Self paced e-learning course: Introduction to openIMIS

Self paced e-learning course: Introduction to openIMIS

This self-paced course will give you a comprehensive knowledge of the open-source software. You will learn about its usefulness in the health financing system, its development and how you can use it. You will also learn best practices from existing implementations.

You can access the course here:


You will need to create an account with socialprotection.org

Course Structure

The course consists of four modules that give you a comprehensive insight into openIMIS.

Module 1: The basics

  • Understand key health systems and financing terms

  • Explain the functionalities of openIMIS, including the enrolment and claims processes

  • Outline the boundaries of openIMIS (what it can and cannot do)

Module 2: openIMIS and national eHealth landscape

  • Relate the position of openIMIS within a national eHealth landscape

  • Summarize the interoperability of openIMIS with other systems

  • Compare with other software such as DHIS2 & OpenMRS

Module 3: openIMIS use cases

  • Explain the achievements of openIMIS in selected countries/regions

  • Show diverse use cases (implementation scenarios) that openIMIS can serve: health insurance, employment injury insurance, cash transfer, in-kind transfer etc. 

  • Compare the processes of implementation in the shown cases 

Module 4: Sustainability & the role of the openIMIS Community

  • Discover how the openIMIS Community can support new implementation teams and how learning from local implementations benefit the global product and community

  • Appraise the value of being part of the openIMIS community

After completion of all modules and the self-assessment, participants will be able to acquire knowledge on openIMIS and understand how openIMIS can contribute in countries‘ digital health ecosystems. Furthermore, you can showcase how openIMIS can support strategies to increase access to UHC and USP.

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