CM 2022-04: On-Site Modular Migration



Aim: Discuss options and strategies for a migration to the new modular architecture with a special focus on existing implementations in the field.

Participants: (kindly only add your own name)

  • @Nirmal Dhakal


  • Presentation:

    • The Global Roadmap

    • A blueprint for on-site migration scenarios

    • What you can do right now

  • Round robin: What is the status of the migration plans of participating implementers?

  • Open discussion: obstacles and opportunities


Download here.


  • Nepal:

    • HIB (Health Insurance)

      • Performance issues solved

      • Training → e-Learning platform will be used

      • Analyse customizations

        • list started - one developer month needed for fixing plus one month for testing

      • Full migration by February of 2023

    • SSF (Social Protection)

      • already on hybrid version

      • requested support from ILO

    • Question: Which tools would help you for the migration?

      • will update the wiki page

  • Tanzania:

    • ePayment was just implemented & rolled out nationwide

    • integration with GoThomis & Afya-Care

    • integration with government accounting system for payment layer

    • TZ only works on legacy now, migration to modular is wanted

      • currently developers in TZ are even more used to scripting languages like PHP

    • will start a test server

      • hardware needs to be procured on-premise

Questions & Issues


Further Reading



Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

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