Sandbox Landscape

Sandbox Landscape

Add an Instance

  • If you need a new instance, send a request to Service Desk .

  • If you need to document an instance which is not yet listed below, check if that instance has a wiki page listed in the Sandbox Instance Repository and is properly labelled.

Deployment Lines

The openIMIS Initiative runs her own sandbox servers to avail e.g. a demo instance of openIMIS for show-casing the latest release. At the same time we provide an openIMIS instance to follow current developments that come right from the developers keyboard. With the growing demand for interoperability with other systems, we also added instances of software packages from Partner Software Communities to test openIMIS Integrations with those packages. The lines are in alignment with the Extended GitHub workflow for development.

Application / Line






[Quality Assurance]



Application / Line






[Quality Assurance]



  • github branches






  • used for

developer test

integration test

user acceptance test

current stable

customized demos / trainings


only local

in use

in use

in use

on demand

Demo Line

The demo line contains instances that are on the latest release of openIMIS or on the latest release of a software package from a Partner Software Communities , that was tested with openIMIS for interoperability. You can experiment with the data but should be aware that they will be reset to defaults every weekend.

If you are missing an instance in the list above, check if that instance has a wiki page listed in the Sandbox Instance Repository and is properly labelled (“sandbox-demo”).

Release Line

The release line contains instances that are on the next release of openIMIS or on a release of a software package from a Partner Software Communities , that is currently being tested with openIMIS for interoperability. You can experiment with the data but there is no guarantee for consistency. Be aware that the code base is subject to constant change, unless the next Releases is in beta test.

If you are missing an instance in the list above, check if that instance has a wiki page listed in the Sandbox Instance Repository and is properly labelled (“sandbox-release”).

Development Line

The development line serves as an integration platform for openIMIS developers. It contains frequent updates of openIMIS based on latest code contributions and software packages from Partner Software Communities , that are being tested with openIMIS for interoperability. You can experiment with the data but there is no guarantee for consistency. Be aware that the code base is subject to constant change and not tested.

If you are missing an instance in the list above, check if that instance has a wiki page listed in the Sandbox Instance Repository and is properly labelled (“sandbox-develop”).




Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/