Reverse user interface test

Reverse user interface test

The reverse testing is a financial technique, that reverse the conventional testing method to test the success of a financial system. The reverse stress test will test the failure of a financial system, it can apply in software testing by testing the failure scenarios of the software.


The failure scenarios in openIMIS are divided in two parts: the known and prevented failure and the unknown failure. The knwon failure in openIMIS, is the result of an error identified and prevented with error messages; preventing for instance a user to enter a future date as birth date. All the preventive error cases should work properly, by generating a message that help the user to correct the error in order to avoid a major bug. The second failure scenario concerns unknown failure; that mainly refers to bug causing a dysfunction of the system. The effects if the bug are visible once it happened and with a ticket created describing the bug, the support team of openIMIS could work to fix and prevent the bug from happening again.

The reverse user interface test will target known failure to test whether the system can prevent a user from causing a dysfunction of the software. In openIMIS, 27 errors have identified when interacting with the interface. These tests will be automated with Selenium, and any new error that is not in this list will automatically recorded as a bug.





External ID








Scenario: 16.1 insuree having already used all her antenatal

<div>When the service @SC6 is added to the claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted </div>

<div>Then the service @SC6 must be rejected with the 'reason code 19'</div>

<div>Given the service @SC6 is a 'A'type service</div>

<div>And the deliveries limits is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>


<div>With the test data script I84 has A type of service</div>






Scenario: 1.1 beneficiary not found

<div>When the claim @CM1 is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the claim @CM1 is rejected with the 'errorcode7'</div>




Given a claim @CM1 is created for a valid health facility @HF

<div>And the beneficiary @BE1 provided doesn't exist</div>

<div>And the dates are correctes</div>





Scenario: 1.2 Familly/Group not found

<div>When the claim @CM2 is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the claim @CM2 is rejected with the 'errorcode7'</div>

<div>Given a claim @CM2 is created for a valid health facility @HF</div>

<div>And the beneficiary @BE2 provided exist but doesn't belong to a valid group / familly (ie.nohead?)</div>

<div>And the dates are correctes</div>





Scenario: 1.3 no active policy on the familly/group

<div>When the claim @CM3 is su mitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the claim @CM3 is rejected with the 'errorcode7' </div>

<div>Given a claim @CM3 is created for a valid health facility @HF</div>

<div>And the beneficiary @BE3 provided belong group/familly @FM1 not covered by a policy </div>

<div>And the dates are correctes </div>





Scenario: 2.1 Care 'From' date empty

<div>When the claim @CM4 is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the claim @CM4 is rejected with the 'error code9'</div>

<div>Given a claim @CM4 is created for a valid health facility @HF</div>

<div>And the claim @CM4 is for the beneficiary @BE3 </div>

<div>And the 'visit date from 'is empty or unvalid </div>





Scenario: 2.2 Care 'To' date before 'From' date

<div>When the claim @CM5 is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the claim @CM5 is rejected with the' errorcode9' </div>

<div>Given a claim @CM5 is created for valid health facility @HF </div>

<div>And the claim @CM5 is for the beneficiary @BE3 </div>

<div>And the 'visit date from' is empty </div>

<div>And the 'visitdateTo' is empty or unvalid </div>





Scenario: 3.1 The Item doesn't have a mask compatible with the beneficiary mask

<div>When the claim @CM6 is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the Service @IT1 of the claim @CM6 is rejected with the 'errorcode4'</div>

<div>Given the Beneficiary has a mask @MS1 </div>

<div>When the Item @IT1 is added to the claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the service @IT1 mask @MS2 is not compatible with @MS1 </div>





Scenario: 3.2 The Service doesn't have a mask compatible with the beneficiary mask

<div>When the claim @CM6 is submitted by @CA  </div>

<div>Then the Service @SC1 of the claim @CM6 is rejected with the 'errorcode4' </div>

<div>Given the Beneficiary has a mask @MS1 </div>

<div>When the service @SC1 is added to the claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the service @SC1 mask @MS2 is not compatible with @MS1 </div>





Rule: 4. the beneficiary CANNOT benefit from the service/item within the waiting period

<div>When this service @SC2 is added to a new claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the service @SC2 must be rejected (and the claim if no other valid service /Item)with the'reason code17'</div>

<div>Given that the service @SC2 has a waiting period set</div>

<div>And the waiting period is not reached (policy age smaller than waiting period & amp; not a renewal ) </div>





Scenario: 4.2 The Item cannot be provided within the item waiting period

<div>When this Item @IT2 is added to a new claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted by @CA</div>

<div>Then the Item @IT2 must be rejected (and the claim if no other valid service /Item)with the 'reasoncode17'</div>

<div>Given that the Item @IT2 has a waiting period set</div>

<div>And the waiting period is not reached (policy age smaller than waiting period & amp ;not a renewal)</div>





Scenario: 5.1 The service was already provided the maximum number of time for an adult

<div>When this service is added to a new claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the service @SC3 must be rejected (and the claim if no other valid service/Item)with the 'reasoncode16' </div>

<div>Given that the service @SC3 has a ceiling set for adults</div>

<div>And its service @SC3 cieling is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>






Scenario: 5.2 The Item was already provided within the maximum number of time time for an children

<div>When this item @IT3i is added to a new claim @CM7 </div>

<div>And the claim is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the item @IT3 must be rejected (and the claim if no other valid service/Item)with the 'reasoncode16'</div>

<div>Given that the item @IT3 has a ceiling set for childrens</div>

<div>And the item @IT3 cieling is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>






Scenario: 6.1 insuree having already used all her consultations

<div>When the service @SC4 is added to the claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted </div>

<div>Then the service @SC4 must be rejected with the 'reasoncode13' </div>

<div>Given the service @SC4 is a 'C' type service</div>

<div>And the consultation limit is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>






Scenario: 7.1 insuree having already used all her surgeries




<div>Given the service @SC5 is a 'S ' type service </div>

<div>And the surgeries limits is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>






Scenario: 8.1 insuree having already used all her delivery

<div>When the service @SC6 is added to the claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted</div>

<div>Then the service @SC6 must be rejected with the 'reasoncode15'< /div>


<div>And the deliveries limits is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>






Scenario: 9.1 insuree having already used all her hospital visit


<div>When the service @SC7 is added to the claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted </div>

<div>Then the service @SC7 must be rejected with the 'reasoncode11'</div>

<div>Given the service @SC7 is a 'H' type service </div>

<div>And the Hospital visit limit is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>





Scenario: 10.1 insuree having already used all her hospital visit

<div>When the service @SC8 is added to the claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted </div>

<div>Then the service @SC8 must be rejected with the 'reasoncode12'</div>

<div>Given the service @SC8 is a 'V 'type service</div>

<div>And the Hospital visit limit is already reached for the beneficiary @BE3 for his active policy @PL1 </div>





Scenario: 11.1 Service not found

<div>When this service @SC9 is added to a newclaim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted by  @CA < /div>

<div>Then the service @SC2 must be rejected (and the claim if no other valid service/Item)with the 'reasoncode3'</div>

<div>Given that the service @SC9 has doesn t exist</div>






Scenario: 11.2 Item not found


<div>When this Item @IT4 is added to a newclaim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted by @CA </div>


<div>Given that the Item @IT4 has doesn't exist</div>






Scenario: 12.1 Invalid Item (not covered by policy I guess)

<div>When the Item @IT5 is added to a new claim @CM6 </div>

<div>And the claim @CM6 is submitted by @CA </div>

<div>Then the Item @IT5 must be rejected (and the claim if no other valid service/Item)with the'reasoncode1'</div>