Co-creating the agenda

Meeting virtually instead of in-person, goes along with compromises on the time you really get together. Three sequences of the Community Meeting with 4,5 hours each calls for a condensed agenda. Still, we set this up together. All types of sessions prioritise discussion and co-creation. Inputs are there to set the stage and initiate active participation by everyone. Below you find an overview on time frames and where you can contribute to the agenda. 


Types of sessions 

  • Plenary (30min) + break-out (45min) sessions: Inputs and discussions on topics brought in by the openIMIS Coordination Desk (Core strategies and operations), all participants 

  • Upgrade (45min): Capacity Development inputs relevant for community members and collaborators, all participants 

  • Club (45min): Inputs and discussions brought up by task teams / community members with close links to core strategies and operations, all participants – might partly be divided in parallel sessions  

  • Bonus track (45min): Inputs and discussions brought up by community members / collaborators with top-votes, participants divided in parallel sessions 


Please suggest topics for the session types Club and/or Bonus track. Please do so before 22 February by adding them to the list below.

If we have more topics than feasible to fit in the time frame, we will select the ones with the most votes (likes). Voting will be open until 27 February. For topics that don’t make it into the agenda this time – we will take them up during future implementers or developers calls, during the   or Bhela, or we find another slot.


Suggesting a session topic

  • Please create a new page on the wiki using :

    • Fill in all the fields in the template and click ‘Create’

    • Add your session title as the ‘Page Title’ and click ‘Publish’



Voting for a session

  • Click on the Session Title of the session you are interested in, from the proposed sessions listed on

  • Like the page (the button is on the bottom left of the page)


Suggested session topics


Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

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