openIMIS Authorities
List of the authorities existing in the openIMIS application. Authorities from 100 000 to 114 000 are defined in the legacy Web Application. Additional authorities are defined and are specific to new modules from the modular openIMIS.
Insuree and Policy
Family = 101000
FamilySearch = 101001
FamilyAdd = 101002
FamilyEdit = 101003
FamilyDelete = 101004
Insuree = 101100
InsureeSearch = 101101
InsureeAdd = 101102
InsureeEdit = 101103
InsureeDelete = 101104
InsureeEnquire = 101105
PolicySearch = 101201
PolicyAdd = 101202
PolicyEdit = 101203
PolicyDelete = 101204
PolicyRenew = 101205
ContributionSearch = 101301
ContributionAdd = 101302
ContributionEdit = 101303
ContributionDelete = 101304
PaymentSearch = 101401
PaymentAdd = 101402
PaymentEdit = 101403
PaymentDelete = 101404
Claims = 111000
ClaimSearch = 111001
ClaimAdd = 111002
ClaimDelete = 111004
ClaimLoad = 111005
ClaimPrint = 111006
ClaimSubmit = 111007
ClaimReview = 111008
ClaimFeedback = 111009
ClaimUpdate = 111010
ClaimProcess = 111011
ClaimRestore = 111012
ClaimUpdate (Gambia) = 111013
Batch = 111100
BatchProcess = 111101
BatchFilter = 111102
BatchPreview = 111103
Product = 121000
ProductSearch = 121001
ProductAdd = 121002
ProductEdit = 121003
ProductDelete = 121004
ProductDuplicate = 121005
Health Facilities
HealthFacility = 121100
HealthFacilitySearch = 121101
HealthFacilityAdd = 121102
HealthFacilityEdit = 121103
HealthFacilityDelete = 121104
PriceLists Medical Services
PriceListMedicalServices = 121200
FindPriceListMedicalServices = 121201
AddPriceListMedicalServices = 121202
EditPriceListMedicalServices = 121203
DeletePriceListMedicalServices = 121204
DuplicatePriceListMedicalServices = 121205
Pricelists Medical Items
PriceListMedicalItems = 121300
FindPriceListMedicalItems = 121301
AddPriceListMedicalItems = 121302
EditPriceListMedicalItems = 121303
DeletePriceListMedicalItems = 121304
DuplicatePriceListMedicalItems = 121305
Medical Services
MedicalService = 121400
FindMedicalService = 121401
AddMedicalService = 121402
EditMedicalService = 121403
DeleteMedicalService = 121404
'Medical Item
MedicalItem = 122100
FindMedicalItem = 122101
AddMedicalItem = 122102
EditMedicalItem = 122103
DeleteMedicalItem = 122104
Enrolment Officers
Officer = 121500
FindOfficer = 121501
AddOfficer = 121502
EditOfficer = 121503
DeleteOfficer = 121504
claim administrator
ClaimAdministrator = 121600
FindClaimAdministrator = 121601
AddClaimAdministrator = 121602
EditClaimAdministrator = 121603
DeleteClaimAdministrator = 121604
Users = 121700
UsersSearch = 121701
UsersAdd = 121702
UsersEdit = 121703
UsersDelete = 121704
Payer = 121800
FindPayer = 121801
AddPayer = 121802
EditPayer = 121803
DeletePayer = 121804
ViewPayer = 121801
Locations = 121900
FindLocations = 121901
AddLocations = 121902
EditLocations = 121903
DeleteLocations = 121904
MoveLocations = 121905
CreateRegionLocations = 121906
userProfiles = 122000
FindUserProfile = 122001
AddUserProfile = 122002
DeleteUserProfile = 122004
EditUserProfile = 122003
DuplicateUserProfile = 122005
Grievance (Gambia project)
tickets = 123000
CreateTickets = 123001
UpdateTickets = 123002
DeleteTickets = 123003
category = 123004
CreateCategory = 123005
UpdateCategory = 123006
DeleteCategory = 123007
tickets = 127000
CreateTickets = 127001
UpdateTickets = 127002
DeleteTickets = 127003
ResolveGrievance = 127006
comments = 127004
CreateComment = 127005
eCRVS (Gambia project)
HeraSubscriptions = 124000
CreateHeraSubscriptions = 124001
DeleteHeraSubscriptions = 124002
HeraNotifications = 125000
Claim Sampling Module
Query = 126001
Create = 126002
Update = 126003
Approve = 126004
Tools = 130000
Registers = 131000
DiagnosesUpload = 131001
DiagnosesDownload = 131002
HealthFacilitiesUpload = 131003
HealthFacilitiesDownload = 131004
LocationUpload = 131005
LocationDownload = 131006
ItemsUpload = 131007
ItemsDownload = 131008
ServicesUpload = 131009
ServicesDownload = 131010
Extracts = 131100
ExtractMasterDataDownload = 131101
ExtractPhoneExtractsCreate = 131102
ExtractOfflineExtractCreate = 131103
ExtractClaimUpload = 131104
ExtractEnrolmentsUpload = 131105
ExtractFeedbackUpload = 131106
Reports = 131200
ReportsPrimaryOperationalIndicatorPolicies = 131201
ReportsPrimaryOperationalIndicatorsClaims = 131202
ReportsDerivedOperationalIndicators = 131203
ReportsContributionCollection = 131204
ReportsProductSales = 131205
ReportsContributionDistribution = 131206
ReportsUserActivity = 131207
ReportsEnrolmentPerformanceIndicators = 131208
ReportsStatusOfRegister = 131209
ReportsInsureeWithoutPhotos = 131210
ReportsPaymentCategoryOverview = 131211
ReportsMatchingFunds = 131212
ReportsClaimOverviewReport = 131213
ReportsPercentageReferrals = 131214
ReportsFamiliesInsureesOverview = 131215
ReportsPendingInsurees = 131216
ReportsRenewals = 131217
ReportsCapitationPayment = 131218
ReportRejectedPhoto = 131219
ReportsContributionPayment = 131220
ReportsControlNumberAssignment = 131221
ReportsOverviewOfCommissions = 131222
ReportsClaimHistoryReport = 131223
ReportAdd = 131224
ReportEdit = 131225
ReportDelete = 131226
ReportNHIANewEnrollments (Gambia) = 131227
ReportNHIANonActiveMembers (Gambia) = 131228
ReportNHIAPolicyRenewals (Gambia) = 131229
ReportNHIAClaimsPaid (Gambia) = 131230
ReportNHIAClaimsRejected (Gambia) = 131231
ReportNHIAClaimsPending (Gambia) = 131232
ReportBillDetails (Gambia) = 131233
ReportNHIAFinancialReport (Gambia) = 131234
ReportNHIAClaimDetails (Gambia) = 131235
Utilities/Email Setting
Utilities = 131300
DatabaseBackup = 131301
DatabaseRestore = 131302
ExecuteScripts = 131303
EmailSettings = 131304
FundingSave = 131401
Formal sector modules
Formal sector specific right groups:
150 000 → Policy holder module
151 000 → Contribution plan and contribution plan bundle module
152 000 → Contract module
153 000 → calculation module
154 000 → Policyholder portal module
Payment layer modules
155000 - invoice
156000 - bill
157000 - Payment plan
Subscription group = 158 000
View subscriptions = 158 001
Create subscriptions = 158 002
Update subscriptions = 158 003
Delete subscriptions = 158 004
Individual group = 159 000
View Individuals = 159 001
Create Individuals = 159 002
Update Individuals = 159 003
Delete Individuals = 159 004
Undo Delete Individuals = 159 005
Group group = 180 000
View Groups = 180 001
Create Groups = 180 002
Update Groups = 180 003
Delete Groups = 180 004
Social Protection
Benefit Plan
Benefit Plan group = 160 000
View Benefit Plan = 160 001
Create Benefit Plan = 160 002
Update Benefit Plan = 160 003
Delete Benefit Plan = 160 004
Beneficiary group = 170 000
View Beneficiary = 170 001
Create Beneficiary = 170 002
Update Beneficiary = 170 003
Delete Beneficiary = 170 004
Deduplication review tasks = 172 000
Create beneficiary deduplication tasks = 172 001
Schema group = 171 000
View schema = 171 001
Create schema = 171 002
Update schema = 171 003
Delte schema = 171 004
Tasks Management
TaskGroup group = 190 000
View TaskGroup = 190 001
Create TaskGroup = 190 002
Update TaskGroup = 190 003
Delete TaskGroup = 190 004
Task group = 191 000
View Task = 191 001
Create Task = 191 002
Update Task = 191 003
Delete Task = 191 004
Payment Cycle
PaymentCycle group = 200 000
View PaymentCycle = 200 001
Create PaymentCycle = 200 002
Update PaymentCycle = 200 003
Delete PaymentCycle = 200 004
Process PaymentCycle = 200 005
PaymentPoint group = 201 000
View PaymentPoint = 201 001
Create PaymentPoint = 201 002
Update PaymentPoint = 201 003
Delete PaymentPoint = 201 004
Payroll group = 202 000
View Payroll = 202 001
Create Payroll = 202 002
Delete Payroll = 202 004
view EU modal = 203 000
Worker Voucher
WorkerVoucher group = 204 000
View WorkerVoucher = 204 001
Create WorkerVoucher = 204 002
Update WorkerVoucher = 204 003
Delete WorkerVoucher = 204 004
View All WorkerVoucher - 204 005
Acquire Assigned WorkerVoucher = 204 006
Acquire Unassigned WorkerVoucher = 204 007
Assign WorkerVoucher = 204 008
BusinessConfig group 205 000
View BusinessConfig = 205 001
Create BusinessConfig = 205 002
Update BusinessConfig = 205 003
Delete BusinessConfig = 205 004
CsvReconciliationUpload group 206 000
View CsvReconciliationUpload = 206 001
Create CsvReconciliationUpload = 206 002
get 207000
list 207001
request 207002
proceed 207003
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