Number of insuree with Active insurance by Product/location/age range/gender/yearMonth

This request use a CROSS APPLY to sum the active policies per yearmonth, this approach use lot of compute, it shouldn’t be executed on a live server during business hours


  • RegionCode (can be null)

  • DistrictCode (can be null)

  • WardCode (can be null)

  • VillageCode (can be null)

  • startDate: date of the first YearMonth to be retreived

  • stopDate: date of the last YearMonth to be retreived


  • Product code and Name

  • Location (Region, District, Ward, Village) code and name

  • Age range of 5 years until 80, then 1 group for 80+

  • Gender

  • Policy status

  • year month in the format YYYYMM

;WITH Locations as ( SELECT * FROM uvwLocations WHERE VillageCode IS NOT NULL AND (@RegionCode is null or @RegionCode='' or RegionCode = @RegionCode ) AND (@DistrictCode is null or @DistrictCode='' or DistrictCode = @DistrictCode) AND (@WardCode is null or @WardCode='' or WardCode = @WardCode) AND (@VillageCode is null or @VillageCode='' or VillageCode = @VillageCode) ),insuree AS ( SELECT tblLocations.LocationCode ,tblLocations.LocationName ,Ins.CHFID ,tblProduct.ProductCode ,tblProduct.ProductName ,tblPolicy.EnrollDate ,tblPolicy.StartDate ,tblPolicy.EffectiveDate ,tblPolicy.ExpiryDate ,tblPolicy.PolicyStatus ,tblPolicy.PolicyValue ,tblFamilies.FamilyType ,CASE WHEN datediff(yy,Ins.DOB,tblPolicy.EnrollDate) > 80 THEN 16 ELSE datediff(yy,Ins.DOB,tblPolicy.EnrollDate)/5 END AS AgeGroup ,Ins.Gender ,head.CHFID AS HEADID FROM tblInsureePolicy IP INNER JOIN tblInsuree Ins ON IP.InsureeID = Ins.InsureeID INNER JOIN tblPolicy ON IP.policyId = tblPolicy.policyId INNER JOIN tblFamilies ON tblPolicy.FamilyID= tblFamilies.FamilyID INNER JOIN tblInsuree head ON tblFamilies.InsureeID = head.InsureeID INNER JOIN tblProduct ON tblPolicy.ProdID = tblProduct.ProdID LEFT JOIN tblLocations ON tblFamilies.LocationId = tblLocations.LocationId WHERE Ins.CHFID <> '999999999' and tblPolicy.ValidityTo IS NULL AND (tblPolicy.StartDate <= @stopDate or tblPolicy.StartDate <= @stopDate) AND (tblPolicy.ExpiryDate > @startDate) AND (tblPolicy.EffectiveDate IS NOT NULL) AND (tblLocations.LocationCode in (SELECT VillageCode from Locations) ) ), MinMax as ( SELECT MIN(EffectiveDate) as Min ,MAX(ExpiryDate) as Max ,datediff(mm,@startDate,@stopDate) as nbWeek FROM insuree ) SELECT CONCAT( RIGHT(10000+DATEPART(yyyy, DATEADD(mm, x.number, @startDate)),4),RIGHT(100+DATEPART(mm,DATEADD(mm, x.number, @startDate)),2)) as YearMonth , A.* ,p.ProductName ,l.VillageName ,l.VillageCode ,l.WardName ,l.WardCode ,l.DistrictName ,l.DistrictCode ,l.RegionName ,l.RegionCode FROM master.dbo.spt_values x CROSS APPLY ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT CHFID) as nbInsuree ,ProductCode ,LocationCode ,PolicyStatus ,AgeGroup ,Gender FROM insuree WHERE insuree.EffectiveDate <= DATEADD(mm, x.number, @startDate) And insuree.ExpiryDate >= DATEADD(mm, x.number, @startDate) GROUP BY LocationCode ,ProductCode ,PolicyStatus ,AgeGroup ,Gender ) A INNER JOIN tblProduct p ON A.ProductCode = p.ProductCode INNER JOIN Locations l ON A.LocationCode = l.VillageCode WHERE x.type = 'P' AND x.number <= DATEDIFF(mm, @startDate, @stopDate) AND p.ValidityTo IS NULL


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