Persons & Families module scope (->insuree) ()
This document summarizes the openIMIS features provided by the Persons & Families module.
it naturally references the current openIMIS documentation (the Web application user guide)
… and the openIMIS functional design specifications (2017, referring to TZ version)
it provides some refinements deduced from legacy code readings
it lists taken hypothesis (whenever ambiguity or incomplete description was encountered) and attention points for the migration to the new openIMIS architecture
The module features are, among others, used within the scope of Beneficiary Enrollment business processes.
Access rights
An insuree/family is attached to a health facility (as First Service Point). Besides role-based feature access control (cf. Actors and Roles here below), all insuree/family management actions (querying, entering, ...) are limited by user’s location(s) scope: users can only access/manage insurees/families listed for his registered health facilities.
Actors & Rights
Health Facilities staff
Search (and verifies) for patient data (in the scope of claim entering)
//note: does not have write permission!
Scheme administrator & district Staff
Clerck & Enrolment Officer:
Search, create, modify and delete insurees and families
Search for insurees and families (in the scope of contribution management)
//note: does not have write permission!
The other profiles are NOT allowed to search (see the details of) insurees and families: Claim Administrator, Claim Contributor,…
Other IT System (API calls)
Enter insurees/families
List (active) insurees/families
Family management Features
Find Family
Classical search/result panel page, with classical search criteria (family name,…).
Note about the ‘historical’ checkbox:
The search in ‘historical’ values makes the assumption that archiving is performed “in live table”. This mechanism is under review (for performance reasons). This criteria may not be available anymore (depending on the new archiving mechanism chosen).
Family/Group Overview
The Family/Group Overview provides a summary of the family composition, the related policies and contributions. The latest two are part of the Policy module and Contribution modules, but is (will be) implemented in the scope of (as frontend contribution to) the Insurees & Families module.
Family/Group Overview mocks in Material-UI