Funding (User Manual)

Funding (User Manual)

Access to the Funding is restricted to the users with the system role of Accountant or with a role including an access to Tools/Funding.

The Funding is the place where funding from external authorities (payers) can be for entered. openIMIS creates internally one fictive family/group (the insurance number of the head of the fictive family/group is 999999999, the name is Funding and the other name is Funding as well) for the district for which a funding is done. Each entering of a fund results in creation of a fictive policy for the corresponding fictive family/group with paid contribution in the amount of the funding. The fictive policy is active since the date of payment of the corresponding fund. These fictive policies are overpaid as these funds are usually much higher than the contribution rate for a single family/member of the group but it doesn’t matter. External funding corresponds to payment of contributions for many families/members of the group in some period. openIMIS can regard funds as standard contributions and its standard functionality can be used for handling of funds. One distinctive feature of payment of funds by means of the fictive policies is that the payments of funds don’t appear in the reports on matching funds generated for funding authorities. So, there is no danger that offices of the scheme administration would acquire new funds based on funding already acquired.

The functionality for entering of funds can be found under the main menu Tools, sub menu Funding

Img. 292 Navigation Funding

Clicking on the sub menu Funding re-directs the current user to the Funding Page.

Funding Page

  1. Data Entry

    Img. 293 Funding Page


    • Region

      Select the region from the list of regions for which the funding is designated by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector. Note: The list will only be filled with the regions assigned to the current logged in user.

    • District

      Select the district from the list of districts for which the funding is designated. by clicking on the arrow on the right of the selector. Note: The list will only be filled with the districts belonging to the selected region and assigned to the current logged in user.

    • Product

      Select an insurance product from the list of insurance products purchased in the selected district (including national insurance products) for which the funding is designated.

    • Payer

      Select from the list of institutional payers the funding authority/agency.

    • Payment Date

      Enter the date of receiving of the funding.

    • Contribution Paid

      Enter the amount of the funding.

    • Receipt Number

      Enter an identification of the document accompanying the funding.

  2. Saving

    Once all mandatory data is entered, clicking on the Save button will save the record. A message confirming that the new password has been saved will appear. The user will be re-directed back to the Home Page.

  3. Mandatory data

    If mandatory data is not entered at the time the user clicks the Save button, a message will appear in the Information Panel, and the data field will take the focus (by an asterisk on the right side of the corresponding field). The user will be re-directed to the Home Page.

  4. Cancel

    By clicking on the Cancel button, the user will be re-directed to the Home Page.

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