Scheme Operator
What is a scheme operator?
A scheme operator is an agency or institution which uses openIMIS to administer a health financing or social protection scheme. Typical scheme operators include regional or national health funds, a ministry of health or social welfare, a national health insurance board, or a government agency tasked with implementing a cash transfer program.
Welcome to openIMIS
openIMIS is specially designed to help scheme operators improve workflows and increase efficiency. As a scheme operator, your input – including comments, suggestions and feature requests – are crucial to the further development of the software and the openIMIS community.
Why join?
The openIMIS community is committed to listening to its current and potential users and to subject matter experts. This helps the community evolve and adapt to different implementation requirements, develop new feature sets and make existing ones more efficient. By joining the community of practice, you can discuss best practices around openIMIS and broader issues related to health financing and social protection with your peers.
How do I get started?
To facilitate these exchanges, we have set up two committees: Implementers and Developers. These two committees have key roles in shaping the future of openIMIS, from reviewing issues in the queue to deciding programming and communication standards. If you would like discussions on specific issues or are keen to see certain features developed in upcoming releases, please join the discussions in one of the committees.
You can also:
Request new features, ask questions or report a bug at our service desk.
Watch the tutorial video or explore the demo to experience the software first hand.
Visit our implementation pages to learn more about how openIMIS is being used.
Join us at events and webinars.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.