Catalytic Implementation Fund

Catalytic Implementation Fund

What is the CIF?

The Catalytic Implementation Fund (CIF) is a mechanism, administered by the openIMIS Initiative, which provides the start-up resources needed to explore and establish new openIMIS implementations. The CIF was established by German Development Cooperation and Swiss Development Cooperation - longtime supporters of openIMIS - as a way to lower barriers to the adoption of openIMIS.

The type and amount of support provided through the CIF is decided on a case by case basis. As a rule, the Fund directly covers specific costs (e.g. software customization, capacity development, equipment), rather than providing monetary support to scheme operators. It does not support the costs of implementing openIMIS on a continuous basis.

For more information about the CIF, visit the wiki page.

Who can apply?

The CIF welcomes applications from operators of health financing or other social protection schemes interested in using openIMIS to manage their scheme’s business processes. Both public and non-governmental scheme operators may apply for support. However, decisions about CIF support will take into account the target beneficiary population and the potential for scale-up.

Implementing organizations which support scheme operators in their efforts to digitalize work processes are encouraged to facilitate the link between the scheme operator and the Coordination Desk of the openIMIS Initiative.

Want to learn more?

CIF Support Process

If you are wondering if openIMIS is the right solution for your use case, get in touch with the openIMIS Coordination Desk!

Complete the form below with some initial information and send it to cif@openimis.org. The openIMIS Coordination Desk will reach out to you to discuss your needs.



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