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  • Contribution guidelines (naming conventions, ....)
  • openIMIS-DHIS2 integration
    • Integrate the connectors to DHIS2 into openIMIS repositories?
    • DHIS2 as DWH 'module' of openIMIS. Where/how to put the code (technical connectivity and DHIS2 configurations)
  • Mobile apps (
    • current state, future, what do people want to do?
    • offline requirements - how are other mobile apps handling mobile & offline scenarios?
  • Overview and update on the Target (modular) Architecture
  • DHIS2 as DWH 'module' of openIMIS. Where/how to put the code (technical connectivity and DHIS2 configurations)
  • list of module : how to define front end and backend module in order to increase the visibility to implementers
  • Review on the use of platforms (
    • Wiki, Localize, Drive, Forum etc.
  • Review on the application of standards ()
  • Howtos (in new development architecture)
    • how to define front end and backend module in order to increase the visibility to implementers
    • openIMIS platform, for the IT-System admin:
      • docker composition options, security, scaling options, monitoring... and interactions with 'legacy' platform (front and database)
    • new openIMIS integration supported strategies and implementation options:
      • Frontend specific: SSO, CORS, Proxy Pages, Connected 'widgets' (React Components),...
      • Backend specific: SSO, Impersonation,...
      • APIs (FHIR vs. GrapQL)
      • Exposing internal events (towards micro services integration)
    • building (from scratch) a backend module to customize claim validation rules (i.e. replace reference one)
      • events (django signals) 
      • backend module configuration
    • providing a "language pack" frontend module
    • building (from scratch) a brand new 'FOO' (to keep it simple) complete module, in relationship (FK) of another module (claim or whatever)
      • backend: new django model, registering GraphQL (queries and mutations)
      • frontend:
        • basic contributions entries (main menu,...)
        • simple "constant-based" picker
        • using pickers from other module
        • sending mutations via the "journal"
    • openIMIS integration options and challenges (backend/frontend, with/without SSO) and developing a small prototype integration to *** (to be defined)
    • backend "advanced" topics:
      • transactional/non-transactional signals
      • synchronous/asynchronous mutation processing
      • batches
    • frontend "advanced" topics
      • core.Boot contribution, what to do with it (and what not)
      • pickers with or without cache (product list vs. health facilities list)
      • dialog-pickers, suggestions-based pickers (with debounce, minimal chars#,...)
      • Progressive Web Application
