Blog from April, 2023

Prevent duplicate

Deduplicaiton is a very complex process, I don’t think we will have the time-budget to address it but we could make sure the schema will be addapted


a person have often several reference, normally identification system manage the relationships between them. but openIMIS must be able to function in a stand alone mode and because its privilege API is FHIR, some support could be achieved by implementing properly the FHIR identifier

Proposed approach

Today Beneficiary’s fields type_of_id and passport should be replaced by a one-to-many relationship so a beneficiary could be identified by several ids.

The number of required ids for the enrollment will depends of the implementation

batch could be executed periodically to extends the id list with the help of other servers

Side benefit:

could start the prerequisites for the Offline usages

this is a proposed strategy to ensure that a workable product will be produced, the “listing“ module could be done in a second phase (depending of the available budget)


listing management will stay on coreMIS legacy until the openIMIS stack can manage properly the benefits.

The benefit management then will have 2 possibles workflow

  1. claim based benefits

  2. payment plan based benefits

this will depends on the payment plans attached to the program/product

unrelated aspects:

  • Grievance module may (Should have?)

  • contribution to the data lake (Should have?)

  • event based payment , aka timesheet based (Nice have?)