Setup traefik

create a proxy network:

docker network create proxy

create a traefik folder to keep the configuration

mkdir -p traefik/configurations

create a docker compose file

vi traefik/compose.yml

change YOUR_DOMAIN with your actual domain for traefik like

create an empty acme.json

create traefik config file

change contact@YOURDOMAIN with your admin contact

/!\ the port configured here are 80 and 443. make sure they are free, 80 is mandatory for acme challenges (Let’s encrypt)

configure the dynamic configuration

To create a basic authentication key for Traefik, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install apache2-utils:

  1. Generate the password hash using htpasswd:

Replace "username" with your desired username. You'll be prompted to enter and confirm a password.

  1. The output will be in the format:

  1. For use in Traefik configuration, replace single $ with double $$ to escape them:

Replace that in the following file

In that file you can manually create routing as shown with example.YOURDOMAIN which is commented out(be careful of the associated service)

Start treafik:

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Please contact our Service Desk

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