2023-10 OWASP Compliance Report










Static Code Analysis








Automated scans that incorporate OWASP standards are performed using the SonarCloud tool within the openIMIS organization. These OWASP checks, derived from the top 10 security requirements, are implemented by default before we commence the process of evaluating and ensuring the security posture of our projects. These predefined rules can be conveniently accessed through the "Rules" tab in the SonarCloud interface.

In the field of information technology, upholding industry standards stands as a crucial pillar in the endeavor to secure software applications and systems. Among these standards, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten holds an esteemed reputation as a yardstick for sound security practices. Annually, this list spotlights the ten most critical security vulnerabilities that organizations developing and managing web applications grapple with.

Addressing the OWASP Top Ten requirements is not merely a recommended practice; it's a foundational step in fortifying software against the ever-present threat of cyberattacks. These requirements encompass a range of vulnerabilities, from injection attacks to broken authentication and security misconfigurations. Compliance with these standards extends beyond best practices; in many instances, it is a regulatory mandate across various industries. Organizations are thus compelled to adopt stringent measures, including input validation, robust authentication mechanisms, and rigorous access controls, to effectively mitigate these security risks. By aligning their strategies with the OWASP Top Ten requirements, businesses signal their unwavering commitment to safeguarding sensitive data and minimizing the perils of data breaches and cyberattacks. This proactive stance not only safeguards their valuable assets but also nurtures trust among customers and partners, contributing significantly to the overall resilience and security of the broader IT landscape.

Result Summary

In summary, our automated tools have highlighted that the majority of security concerns are related to two key areas:

  1. Defining regular expressions in a manner that might slow down the system (a potential security risk).

  2. Issues related to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protections not being enabled (another critical security concern).



Defining slow regular expressions

Potential Security Risk

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protections

Critical Security Concern




Here's why defining regular expression in bad way is considered a security-sensitive issue:

  1. Performance Impact: Regular expressions that are intentionally slow can be used as part of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack. By crafting input in a certain way, an attacker can force the system to spend excessive time processing the regex, potentially leading to a slowdown or even a system crash. This could disrupt the normal operation of a web application or service.

  2. Resource Exhaustion: Slow regular expressions can consume excessive CPU and memory resources. If an attacker can trigger many such regex operations concurrently, they could exhaust the server's resources, making it unavailable for legitimate users.

  3. Availability: Attacks on system availability can have security implications. For example, if a web application becomes unavailable due to a regex-based DoS attack, it may impact users' ability to access critical services, potentially leading to data breaches or other security incidents.

Sonar's detection of "Issues related to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protections not being enabled" in Django REST framework (DRF) endpoints can occur for a few reasons, even though CSRF protection is typically enabled by default in Django. Here are some potential explanations:

  1. Custom Configuration: If your Django project has custom configuration settings that modify the default behavior of CSRF protection, Sonar may not be aware of these changes. Sonar typically analyzes code statically and may not fully understand runtime configurations.

  2. False Positives: Code analysis tools like Sonar sometimes produce false positives, indicating issues that don't actually exist. It's possible that Sonar is misinterpreting your code as lacking CSRF protection when it is, in fact, correctly implemented.

It's worth noting that some of the problems related to unsafe HTTP and hardcoded password detection occur in test examples, primarily using mock data rather than real data. Nevertheless, these findings offer valuable insights into areas that warrant attention and improvement in our codebase. Furthermore, there are specific Docker-related issues that require a more in-depth examination. These issues are also discussed in detail within this document.

On the other hand, frontend modules look good when it comes to the security aspects. There are some errors in the assembly module related to docker files and regular expressions that need to be reviewed. The difference in the number of Sonar checks or hotspots to review between the backend and frontend of an application can be influenced by various factors, and it's not necessarily an indication of the security of one part of the application over the other.

It's important to note that the number of hotspots or issues identified by Sonar should not be the sole criterion for evaluating the security of a codebase. The criticality of the issues, their impact, and the context of the application should also be considered when prioritizing and addressing security concerns. Both backend and frontend security are essential, and it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive security review across the entire application to ensure its overall security posture. 

Generally no vulnerabilities were identified in any of the Sonar scans conducted across all modules. Instead, the scanning process generated hotspots for review.




OWASP Category




OWASP Category


OWASP A03:2021-Injection - openimis-fe_policyholder_js FE



The Sonar issue is raised because the regular expression used in our code can lead to denial of service due to its vulnerability to super-linear runtime caused by backtracking. This is a security concern as it might make your application vulnerable to attacks that exploit this regex's inefficiency.

To fix this issue, we modified the regular expression to make it more efficient and less prone to backtracking. One way to do this is by using a non-capturing group to make the expression more deterministic.

The modified regular expression (?:[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+.[^\s@]+) should work in the same intended way as the previous one, while addressing the security issue. It maintains the same email address validation pattern and functionality while making the regular expression more efficient and less prone to super-linear runtime caused by backtracking.

OWASP A01:2021-Broken Access Control - openimis-be-core_py BE


A01:2021-Broken Access Control

By adding the @require_GET decorator, we explicitly specify that only safe HTTP methods (i.e., GET and HEAD) are allowed for this view. This helps ensure that the view can only be accessed using read-only methods, as intended.

OWASP A03:2021-Injection - openimis-be_product_py BE



We optimized the regular expression pattern by reducing backtracking. In this optimized pattern, we're using positive lookbehind (?<=[a-z0-9]) to ensure that the position we're looking at is preceded by a lowercase letter or a digit, and then we're using a positive lookahead (?=[A-Z]) to ensure that it's followed by an uppercase letter. This should help reduce backtracking and improve performance, addressing the security concern.

OWASP A03:2021-Injection - openimis-be_core_py BE



We optimized the regular expression pattern by reducing backtracking. In this optimized pattern, we're using positive lookbehind (?<=[a-z0-9]) to ensure that the position we're looking at is preceded by a lowercase letter or a digit, and then we're using a positive lookahead (?=[A-Z]) to ensure that it's followed by an uppercase letter. This should help reduce backtracking and improve performance, addressing the security concern

OWASP A03:2021-Injection - openimis-fe_admin_js FE


OWASP A03:2021-Injection

We replaced the regular expression with a non-backtracking variant while maintaining the functionality. In this specific case, the regex is used for formatting a number with commas for better readability. We used a non-backtracking regex to achieve the same result.

The provided solution works in the same way as the original code. It formats the number by adding commas for better readability, just like the original regex. The change made is designed to address the security issue while preserving the intended functionality.

OWASP A02:2021-Cryptographic Failures - openimis-be-policy_notification_py, openimis-be-claim_ai_py - BE


OWASP A02:2021-Cryptographic Failures

I reviewed all of the points raised by sonar related to this topic.

  1. https://sonarcloud.io/project/security_hotspots?status=SAFE&id=openimis_openimis-be-claim_ai_py marked as safe because those URLs are fixed and used in FHIR payloads.

We don’t need to add any changes in code.

A07:2021-Identification and Authentication Failures - openimis-be-core - BE


A07:2021-Identification and Authentication Failures

https://sonarcloud.io/project/security_hotspots?sinceLeakPeriod=true&status=SAFE&pullRequest=227&id=openimis_openimis-be-core_py - Issues reviewed marked as safe.

  • Password used only for test purposes in test context. It's not used anywhere where we have sensitive data.

  • One of the issues at the service level is not related to setting the password but hardcoded encoded in base64 'stored_password'. In the legacy version, setting the password for a User was optional, and this approach is retained here to maintain compatibility.

Therefore 8/8 marked as False Positive

OWASP A03:2021-Injection - openimis-fe_insuree_js FE


OWASP A03:2021-Injection

The error related to the Department of Defense (DoD) might be due to the usage of a regular expression that is potentially vulnerable to super-linear runtime and backtracking, which could lead to performance issues or even denial of service in certain cases. The DoD might have strict security guidelines in place, and using regular expressions with these characteristics could be considered a security risk.

The issue with the regular expression is the use of the \B assertion, which asserts a position where there's no word boundary. This can lead to backtracking, especially in cases where the input string is large, potentially resulting in poor performance.

To fix this issue and satisfy DoD requirements, we used a more efficient and non-backtracking regular expression pattern, like the solution provided earlier.

OWASP A03:2021-Injection - openimis-fe_claim_js FE


OWASP A03:2021-Injection

The error related to the Department of Defense (DoD) might be due to the usage of a regular expression that is potentially vulnerable to super-linear runtime and backtracking, which could lead to performance issues or even denial of service in certain cases. The DoD might have strict security guidelines in place, and using regular expressions with these characteristics could be considered a security risk.

The issue with the regular expression is the use of the \B assertion, which asserts a position where there's no word boundary. This can lead to backtracking, especially in cases where the input string is large, potentially resulting in poor performance.

To fix this issue and satisfy DoD requirements, we used a more efficient and non-backtracking regular expression pattern, like the solution provided earlier.



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