Differences openIMIS coreMIS approaches

Differences openIMIS coreMIS approaches


Insurance product:

the principle of insurance product is to enroll Beneficiaries via a contribution that the insurees pay themself, this means that the main insuree is entering in a contractual relation with the scheme, to do so they accept to comply with the conditions, this include, but not limited to a serie mandatory information on the insurance taker (Head of family) and other beneficiaries.

social protection program:

unlike openIMIS product, coreMIS program aim to the target people proactively based on politic impulse, this mean that the program need to have a base of potential beneficiaries (high probability of errors in the data) used to target the final recipent for the relief based on the relief target


data models

Persons and groups

openIMIS insuree models (with family, photos etc ) were too restrictive to use it with coreMIS (to many data constraints) therefore Individuals and the Beneficiary models (with group) were created

the main difference is that the social protection individual has almost no mandatory fields but first_name, last_name and dob



Insurance product is packed with historical configuration that are for most completely useless in the scope of social protection programs

How to merge those fundamental difference ?

I do believe that once a person is enrolled, some confidence in the data collected must be correct there for the “beneficiary“ must use the same table as “insuree” (Beneficiary being more generic). also the individual module bring an new concept that can be reused for Practitioner and other “individual“ that may not have a login.

To replace Insuree with Benficiary: I believe a wrapper class should be created in a first place to use beneficary instead of insuree in every part of the code but the database will still require to be migrated

TDC, a mandatory schema could be added to the Beneficiary additional fields to ensure coherence of the data, a “legacy insuree schema“ should be created

Social protection benefit plan should move toward , openIMIS product should move to the benefit entity in the future.: Benefit consumption module / Enquire and policy to Benefit consumption module / Enquire , the hardcoded limits in the Social protection benefit plan should be mode to validity strategy of the cash benefit








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