Third Party Software Licenses
Third Party Software Licenses
The openIMIS code base also depends on or includes source code that was developed from third parties. The intellectual property rights belong to those developers and were published under open source licenses that might follow a different licensing model.
This page gives an edited overview of third party packages to our best knowledge for you convenience. Please refer to the respective code repositories for the original conditions.
Automated lists of third party packages for the new modular architecture can be found directly in the github repositories:
backend: openimis-be_py/requirements.txt at main · openimis/openimis-be_py
frontend: openimis-fe_js/package.json at main · openimis/openimis-fe_js
Please be aware that older releases (until Sources Release 2023-04) of the openIMIS package still contain technologies that belong to the Microsoft Corporation. Since Release 2023-10 all components are compatible to the main openIMIS license.
Note that this list might not be complete as the openIMIS package is under heavy construction and newly added packages might not be included, yet.
Package | Owner | Use | Repository | License / Terms |
Python package index |
| |||
github | JavaScript package manager | |||
Facebook Inc. | base framework of new openIMIS frontend |
| MIT license | |
| UX components library | MIT license | ||
React Autocomplete | Ryan Florence | additional UX component to manage drop downs/combo boxes/… | react-autocomplete/LICENSE at master · reactjs/react-autocomplete | |
| managing date and times in new openIMIS frontend |
| |
Sanish Maharjan | nepali calendar in frontend |
| | |
| package python modules for pypi |
| |
base framework on new openIMIS backend |
| BSD license | ||
| DB-connect |
| BSD license | |
| Generate report PDF (python lib new architecture) |
| we don’t use the ‘studio’ only the python lib, according to the 'open-source” license. WARNING: “Releasing your project that uses ReportBro under AGPLv3 requires your project to be licensed under AGPLv3/GPLv3 likewise. See GPL FAQ for details. “ |
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Please contact our Service Desk
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.