Quality assurance opensource tools

Quality assurance opensource tools

OpenIMIS is not a code Quality assurance tool therefore in order to ensure that the quality is met before doing a production release third party tool need to be use.

The test case can be defined using gherkin as described in the dedicated page, then it make it easy to deploy them in a Quality assurance tool because the precondition (Given), (When) actions and (then)result are defined.

For the release 1.4.2 of April 2020, the QA platform called Test-link http://testlink.org/ was used, the gherkin test cases are documented there https://github.com/openimis/openimis-gherkin

In order to document the test case with excel before lading them in test-link, those excel macro can be used https://github.com/MrBricodage/TestLink--ExcelMacros

We also provide Excel templates to document the test cases which can be easily imported into Gherkin. To get you started we have a list of our test cases documented here:

  • Enrolment and renewal test cases for web and mobile app

Happy Testing.


How to use Test Link

Test-Link is a QA platform that we use to perform the test cases: https://qa.openimis.org/index.php

OpenIMIS demo server to use for the testing: https://release.openimis.org/

Below is a step-by step of how to set up and execute the tests. Note that step 1-5 is only needed if you need to set up the test cases from scratch. If you have been provided login details and assigned a testing plan, you can go straight to step 6.

Setting up test cases

Step 1: click on the link above and login with the credentials provided to you.

Step 2: go to “test specification” to import the test cases from an xlm file (you can extract this from the test case excel file). Make sure you always choose the tab “update on latest version” and check both “active” and “public”.

Step 3: go to “test plan management” to create test plans. You could create for example one test plan with all tests, one test plan for all web app tests and a third one for only Android mobile tests. Make sure you check both “active” and “public” when creating the plans.

Step 4: go to “add/remove test cases” to add the test cases to the respective test plans. Do this by ticking the boxes next to the test cases you would like to include and press “add selected”. The tests that have been included should appear highlighted in yellow.

Step 5: go to “builds/releases”. In order to start executing the tests, you need to create a “build” for each test plan, which is a sort of batch. This is generally characterized by when you are testing or for which release e.g. naming it “April release 2021”. You are now ready to start executing the test cases.

Executing test cases

Step 6: Go to “execute tests” (on the right). Once you are on the execution page, select the desired test plan and build on the top left.

Step 7: Scroll down on the left hand side, to the test case folders (with the folder icons). The first row should be “openIMIS initiative”. The next rows will depend on which test plan you have chosen. To open the sub-folders click on the small arrow next to the folder icon. You will see that next to each folder there are four numbers. In grey are the tests not yet run, in green those passed, in red those failed and in blue those blocked. This will help you keep track of how many tests you have completed within this folder.

Step 8: Expand all sub folder until you arrive to the first test case. The individual test cases are labelled with “OCT” for example “OCT-78). Click on the test case you want to start with. On the right hand side, a display opens up for that particular test case. This might take a few moments to load. Each test case has a certain number of “step actions” that must be completed to assess if the test is passed, failed or blocked.

Step 9: Scroll down to where the step actions begin. If there are any preconditions to the test, this will be described in the “preconditions” section. Once you have completed the first step action, update the “execution status” on the right hand side. You can also add comments and attached files such as screenshots. Do this for all step actions until you arrive at the bottom of the page.

Step 10: Once you arrive at the bottom of the page, enter the time it took you to complete the test next to the hourglass symbol. If you would like to report an issue that occurred during the execution of that test, tick the box next to the bug symbol. Another box will appear at the bottom of the page where you can describe the issue. Tick both boxes so that a link is added in the issue tracker to the test execution feature and print view.

Step 11: Once everything is completed for that test case, select the symbol that applies (passed, failed,

blocked) and move to the next case. The test cases that has just been executed will now appear highlighted with its respective status color on the left hand side in the test case folder section.

TestLink Training Video


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