FAQ - When was openIMIS created?

FAQ - When was openIMIS created?

With support from the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) in 2012, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Microinsurance Academy and Exact Software developed an Insurance Management Information System (IMIS) to operate community health funds (CHF) in several districts of Tanzania.

In 2014, a mutual health insurance scheme in Cameroon adapted the software for their business processes. Since 2015, the German Development Cooperation (GDC) has been providing assistance to customize IMIS for Nepal’s national health insurance scheme. The software has grown organically and has demonstrated potential for easy adaptation to different types of health financing mechanisms needed for UHC.

In 2016, GDC and SDC invested jointly to make IMIS an open-source software. The openIMIS source code has been publicly available since 2018.

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