Please add here to introduce yourselves. This makes it easier for all participants to see who joins, what topics and tasks who is taking care of.  



Area of focus

Swiss TPH

Global implementation support, usability and requirements management, capacity development (Directory in the wiki, E-Learning course)


Modular Transformation of the Source Code

Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN)

Regional capacity development in Asia, promotion and introduction of openIMIS, collaboration with academia

 International Labour Organization (ILO)

Implementation of openIMIS, strategic collaboration and advisory services for the further development of openIMIS beyond the health sector



Clinton Health Access Initiative

Strategic advice on current and future openIMIS functionalities

Possible Health

Software development - interoperability between Bahmni and openIMIS

Implementation - empaneled provider of the national health insurance in Nepal - user of openIMIS.

Please, also check Active Partners