Versions Compared


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  1. Third sprint summary

    1. Artur has summarized third sprint

      1. Completed

        1. Data uploads

        2. Benefit package page for groups and individuals

        3. Integration OpenSearch to the new system

        4. My Tasks:

          • General view

        5. Custom filters are available on test server

        6. User groups

      2. Not completed

        1. Adding OpenSearch to system (modules are not displayed yet)

        2. My Tasks:

          • View for Task Triage - task assignment

          • GraphQl Queries and Mutation to allow Task Executor perform action with the application

          • Task creation by system

    2. Showcase of implemented features and feedback from World Bank team

      1. openSearch integration

      2. Advanced filters

      3. Benefit packages

      4. Users groups

      5. Data uploads

      6. My tasksData uploads

        1. ensure that maker-checker logic is implemented also for update requests which are uploaded in the system with external file

      7. Users groups

      8. My tasks

        1. change the name from Tasks Groups to Task Executor Groups

        2. consider renaming “code” column to the “group name” column

  2. Next sprint scope

  3. Additional feedback

    1. routing from the individuals should go directly to benefit package page not to benefit plan as it’s now

    2. We have to cover the case for searching beneficiaries who are assigned to more than one benefit plan

    3. UI changes - HIGH PRIORITY


View file
nameOpenIMIS-CORE-MIS integratio Sprint 3 review.pptx

Action items



Additional resources
