Topic Proposals:
The C# REST API offers its resources packaged and prepared for their usage
in the mobile apps. For instance, the services and items are retrieved all
together or the enquire contains all the information that the claim mobile app
needs. Each endpoint covers one mobile app use case.Mobile apps have to work in poor network condition. As such, they work with
a local database that they synchronize with the remote through the C# REST API.
Based on the available documents, experiments done with demo data, and code read,
we think that the current implementation present several limitations. They might
be incorrect as we don't have analyze 100% of the code. They are:
Presentations / Attachments
Attachments |
what is a practical way to remove MS SQL dependencies until August?
look at contract extension (costed/no-cost)
can the FHIR deficiencies be prioritized and costed?
BlueSquare will do that
can there be a mix of FHIR and GraphQL?
use the FHIR ressources that work already
fix the ones which are easy to fix
use GraphQL for the difficult ones
what’s important is to make sure that the business processes stay the same (the bug is less critical)
useful to improve FHIR through that integration
important to move from C# REST API (remove the stored procedures!)
binary endpoint (not yet implemented) could be useful
remove CHF-ID
Next Deep Dive:
FHIR Integration Roadmap
mobile apps integration through FHIR
country specific openIMIS FHIR R4 profile
openIMIS FHIR R4b update?
openIMIS FHIR R5 module