the "id" or isureeid mandatory, head of familly should be created first, head fields will be specified of each line and must be empty for the head
Fields exported/imported
head_insuree_number : str - empty for head
insuree_number: str
first_name: str
other_name: str
dob: date - integer (unix) or YYYY-MM-DD
sex: char - M/F/O
village: str : code or name
municipality: str : code or name
district: str : code or name
region: str : code or name
regenerate_insuree_id (optionnal) : bool
photo (optionnal) : b64 encoded
0- validate
0.1 - all location, return fail if a single one is wrong, enrich the list with the location id
0.2 - look for duplicates within the list
0.3- look for already used insuree id (regenerate_insuree_id is null or false)
1- extract the list of the head of family (i.e. head_insuree_number__is_null)
2- create familly if not exist
3- enrich the list of insuree with the family id
4- save insuree