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OpenIMIS should be able to communicate with different registries. The medium-term goal would be for OpenIMIS to connect to different (standalone)registries. For example, beneficiary registries or national social registries are thinkable. In any case, the registry must show the respective family relation. Ideally, there should also be a link to the CRVS system

This space is specifically to discuss the linkage between openIMIS and Beneficiary Registries, and what effect that will have on openIMIS entities and relationships between entities.

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Global Good

Local Funding


This was the idea mentioned during interviews with various stakeholders in February 2021.


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Involved Entities

  • Beneficiaries

  • Family - Beneficiary link

Process Description

There are different types of registries that might hold beneficiary data. Below are some examples of these registries and related information, with the aim to aid discussions to come up with a generic function requirement in openIMIS for linkages with beneficiary registries.



Linkage details

Reference Tools/Standards



Health Client Registry

Registry <--> openIMIS

  • Registry → openIMIS:

    • Get information on ‘client’ for enrollment.

    • Link with unique client identifier

  • openIMIS → Registry ??

Different from ‘beneficiary registry’ which might be a social register as the health specific one might have more specific information on health that might be useful in openIMIS - eg. for referral tracking etc.

Medium - High

General Beneficiary Registry
(Social Protection Programmes)

Registry <--> openIMIS

  • Registry → openIMIS:

    • Get information on beneficiary for enrollment.

    • Link with unique beneficiary identifier

  • openIMIS → Registry:

    • Update registry of beneficiary details

    • New beneficiary?

Overview of linkage between SoSYS (beneficiary mgmt system) in Nepal with openIMIS : SOSYS Nepal: openIMIS linkages with beneficiary management systems

Any standard beneficiary registries out there? I don’t know if MOSIP fits, but thats the best I could come up with right now

Medium - High

CRVS (Civil Registration and Vital Statistics) Systems

Registry <--> openIMIS

Registry → openIMIS: a) Get information on beneficiary (& family?) for enrollment. b) Link with unique beneficiary identifier

openIMIS → Registry?

CRVS might be very country specific and difficult to come up with a generic way of interoperability - unless we just say we interoperate with OpenCRVS (which unfortunately doesn’t have a lot of implementations currently)


Additional Reading

Healthix Sosys - High Level FHIR Process Flows

Healthix Sosys - Low-level FHlR Process Flows

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Related Reading