Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Wiki/ documentation structure | Alicia, TAG | Discussion about the location of documents: Where should technical documentation (currently on GitHub), user documentation (currently on ReadTheDocs) be put. Need for clarifications on different guides (developer guide, functional/ user documentation) to avoid overlapping.
| ReadTheDocs | Alex, Siddharth; | ReadTheDocs is set up. Documents on ReadTheDocs are not easy to edit (have to be downloaded, edited, uploaded on GitHub which is linked up to ReadtheDocs and updates it automatically). Edits on wiki are less time consuming. Thus, working documents should be attached there. There should be a section with a “how to contribute to documentation” guide.
| Issue queue | Alex, Saurav | Nepali request is on the “to be approved” stage. Requests are helpful for updating description gaps (e.g. filters) and setting acceptance conditions. Who should provide the solution? In the case of Nepal’s requests, issues should be dealt with if they have already developed source code. Remaining ones should be forwarded to the TAG. Timeline of Nepali requests: Create request list, contact Exact for estimations on solutions, prepare issues for TAG, reach out to TAG individuals
| TAG | Alicia, Lucia, Saurav | Proposed candidates are already involved in openIMIS. Need to find partner institutions in Tanzania, Nepal. SDC approved candidates, BMZ has not responded yet. Terms of Reference and invitation shall be formulated (Alicia, Lucia). Prior to setting the agenda for the first TAG meeting, there shall be a discussion with Nepal on what issues the team has worked on (Saurav). In the first TAG session, there shall be a structure presentation (Wiki, Jira, Github) and the links are to be sent to TAG members via email before the meeting.