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OpenIMIS Country Hub Focal Point for Sri Lanka: Health Informatics Society of Sri Lanka |

OpenIMIS Country Hub Coordinator for Sri Lanka: Dr. C H Senanayake |

In current context the approach can be in following categories.

  1. Baseline study of existing insurance system of Sri Lanka

  2. Creating awareness & Obtaining consensus from stakeholders of national insurance framework and its regulatory body

  3. development of an action plan to implement OpenIMIS in Sri Lanka based on counter-proposals

  4. Pilot project

  5. Evaluation of results & absorption into Ministry of Health as a national role-out with consensus from other relevant ministry stakeholders.

Baseline Study of existing insurance system of Sri Lanka was done and presented at OpenIMIS101 webinar on “Health system of Sri Lanka and the emerging role of health insurance” on 2019-08-28 <<Download presentation>>

Health Insurance of Sri Lanka at a glance

As per the Insurance Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (IRCSL), 28 insurance companies were operating in the country. Under section 53 of Regulation of insurance industry (Amendment) Act No.3 of 2011, it was made compulsory to segregate composite insurance companies to the two categories of insurance on or before February 2015. Almost all of the composites separated their life and general insurance businesses into two separate companies. Currently there are 448666 Insurance agents, 18467 employees works on 2079 branches islandwide to provide services.Image Removed


Insurance regulatory mechanism



The IRCSL safeguards policy holders through supervisory control of Insurance Companies. Professionals with experience at IRCSL advise the government on policy and laws that would make the industry remain viable, able to meet its commitments to policy holders by helping them overcome risks.


A sessional meeting on creating awareness and obtaining consensus was held on 9/7/2019 at Sri Lanka Insurance Institute, Colombo.Image Removed


The Insurance Association of Sri Lanka (IASL) was established in 1989 and every insurer registered under the Act is eligible for membership.


A sessional meeting on creating awareness and obtaining consensus was held on 7/8/2019, at Jaic Hilton.Image RemovedImage Removed


Currently the proposal its implementation opportunities were processed through life-insurance forum, awaiting discussion from the general insurance forum at IASL. 
