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Digital Square E0 proposal: openIMIS Shelf Readiness



Jira board:


The goal of this project is to improve the open-source Insurance Management Information System (openIMIS) interoperability layer for easier and more efficient integration with other health-related systems within OpenHIE (Open Health Information Exchange) architecture, and to allow an efficient installation procedure through enhanced packaging and documentation, and thus, to align the solution with the Instant OpenHIE project and initiative. 

This page is dedicated to the Digital Square Notice E0 project and will be used to specify the developments and the realizations from this project.

From the initial proposal, only two Work Packages were awarded within this project:

Table of Contents

The following sections will specify the changes and enhancements brought by this project to the two components from each WP.

openIMIS FHIR Module

FHIR release four (R4) integration

FHIR R4 extensions development

FHIR Authentication and Authorisation

FHIR Authentication

The objective is to manage User authentication directly from the FHIR module. The JWT authentication mechanism is used. FHIR module is using the authentication services so the token can be used in both FHIR REST API and GraphQL queries.


FHIR REST API Login endpoint

Code Block
POST /api_fhir_r4/login 

Request body: 
    "username": [username],
    "password": [password]

HTTP 200 Response body: 
    "token": [token]
    "exp": [expire_date]

HTTP 401 Response if credentials are not valid  

FHIR REST API Authorization header

All other FHIR R4 requests should contain the Authorization header with the Bearer token.

Code Block
Authorization: Bearer [token]

HTTP 200 Response when token validated (the actual resource payload is returned)

HTTP 401 Response when:
  if Authorization header is missing 
  if Bearer prefix is missing
  if error on decoding Authorization header  
  if token is expired

FHIR Authorisation

Related pages:

openIMIS FHIR module documentation

openIMIS FHIR Quality Assurance

Docker package improvement

Developer initialisation script



Roadmap Planner
pagelinks1.1 FHIR release four (R4) integration~~~~~1.2 FHIR R4 extensions development~~~~~1.3 FHIR Authentication and Authorisation~~~~~1.4 openIMIS FHIR Quality Assurance~~~~~2.1 Docker package improvement~~~~~2.2 Developer initialisation script

In July 2022, Dragos Dobre from SwissTPH held a webinar where he gave a detailed overview of the project with a focus on the FHIR module. You can watch the whole presentation here:

Widget Connector

The following sections will specify the changes and enhancements brought by this project to the two components from each WP.

Child pages (Children Display)