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When (CEST)





5 Min

Saurav Bhattarai

Introduction to Core-MIS team


25 Min

Core-MIS Team

Presentation of Core-MIS


10 Min

Core-MIS Team



20 Mins


Q&A, Discussions.



Introduction to Core-MIS team

  • Introduction of the team members.

Presentation of Core-MIS

  • social protection is critical for achieving human capital accumulation, and ensuring its productive use, and its. Social protection tries to put in place policies and programs that can help people improve their situation and accumulation of humain capital, and keeping it during the lifespan.

  • There are three key goals for an effective Social Protection system provided through the lifecycle:

    • equity (reducing poverty and inequality),

    • resilience (providing insurance against and build the capacity to manage shock),

    • opportunity (promoting investment on capital).

  • We have a set of programs: in terms of equity for example it could be child allowances. Emergency cash and in-kind transfers.

  • Set of interventions during work life also called public work, for programs that provide employment to people currently unemployed. Or also insurance schemes or training programs designed to support people in acquiring new skills. Programs and training designed and implemented by govgovernments.

  • Social protection standard delivery chain flow: enrolment

  1. An assessment if conducted to assess if someone (household or individual) is eligible for the program

  2. Enrolment phase where people who get to participate in the program sometimes get IDs and


  1. their details are registered and there’s a provision of services (such as benefits in cash or goods). It can be a recurrent payment (recurrent until they are able to graduate from the program) or a one-time payment.


  1. Management aspect which takes care of updating information of beneficiairies, monitoring the program, GRM to collect complaints and issues from participants and adjusting them.

  • Core-MIS platform covers the whole this entire delivery chain, from targeting to GRM. Main features. There multiple modules groupes in four groups: targeting, beneficiary registry, payment and reconciliation, GRM. There’s expansion modules where there’s additional functionalities (e.g. members of the household, training, etc.).

  • Main functionalities:

    • Targeting: simple lists provided my community and enroll everyone, or assessment

    • conducted called PMT

    • . All process can be customized if needed - can change the order of the process to fit the needs of the program.

    • Geographical

    Codes: Management of administrative codes to standardize reportingBeneficiary registry:
    • Code can be configured: to exchange data across programs.

    • KoBo: Data collection tool based on ODK - open-source data collection tool very easy to customize.

    • Beneficiary registry: allows to see information about the beneficiairies and available data to be collected. They have multiple statuses with possibility to change status of people.

    • Services and payment:

    • PPM: app If the payment service provider has ATIs available, the payment process and constellation process can be integrated dircetly. In other cases, there can be an implementing agency of cashiers that go out and deliver cash on the counter to the beneficiaries. We also developed PPM which is an app that allows to take photos, GPS coordinates and a time stamp when every payment is delivered. to track delivery of offline payments

    • Timesheet is another module that allows to keep track of attendance and calculate the amount not as a fixed amount.

    • Training is a module to monitor attendance to training.

    • GRM:

    record grievance and manage redressingDifferent admin features such as user management and task management, languages
    • collect grievances and checking them across the project.

    • Different user management features with possibilities to customize the profiles. We also have support for different languages.

    • We have a configurable ETL to import the system to import records and ?

    • Modules can be combined to create different workflows depending on the program being implemented

    • Integration with other systems: with existing platforms and registries.

    • Management of administrative codes to standardize reporting.


  • Text and , images and everything else can be customized. We have the bar on the left side. A There’s a list of modules on the left side . Top right: and language versions at the top right. Multifactor identification can be activate dif activated if needed.

    • The dashboard has a set of indicators that can be configuratedconfigured. Different type sof types of graphs options Posisbility . Possibility of exporting as well. It’s interocative with interactive which clients like. Can play with the data according to different indicators.

    • Possibiliy Possibility of registering beneficiaries. Can create a new targeting detail for new benefciairies beneficiaries with amount and budget for program details.

    • The way to import information is through import it from KoBo or different data collection tools. Possibility to target and dedublicate deduplicate the data after identifying dublicatesduplicates. Every changes are saved in changelogs.

    • Targeting assessement assessment can be configured as needed.

    • List of active beneficiaries with possibilities to use the advance filter feature. Mutiple Multiple criteria options.

    • Grievances: has case details

    • Beneficiary data update approvals

    • Payment details: different modalities and support epaymentse-payments. Possibilities to make cash payment because of for rural areas with lack of connectivity in rural areas. Also possibility to download the payment list as excel file.

Q&A, Discussions

  • Uwe: pointing at the join joint project doing and we are in the process of evaluation to evaluate the tender that will support Core-MISWB in the migation process for the merger. Those activities will start very soon.

  • Nirmal: Can it support API for beneficiary management?

    Rep: (difficulty hearing)ATI? module is used to explort data


    • Response: We configurate at the moment with KoBo and external application developed in the configuration for Laos.

  • Is it possible to have access to the demo?

    • Response: yes will share it now

  • Saurav: Feel free to stay engaged with the community

  • Nirmal: Share any plans for implemention and timelines?

    • Response: Implemention modality of the openIMIS will remain. We don’t target implemention dircetly, but when needs are expressed, we can engage. Will provide the required. There’s no fixed timeline. We have the framework and development contract with WB. We have the limit of our project phase. When looking at migration senarios, it looks good. From development side, we will make sure to not have huge migration scenarios, easier than in the past. Ubah: we don’t expect huge migration conflict, but there’s a lot of work to be done in terms of clarity. At the broad level there’s commitment from WB and GIZ to do migration seamlessly.