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OpenIMIS Country Hub in Indonesia will be delivered in the university setting. Our aim is to investigate the potential use of OpenIMIS in strengthening health insurance learning in the Graduate Program of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Started in 1990, our school offers a 2 year MPH program with 12 different majors/concentrations. Every year, around 200-300 student admitted in our MPH program. For the purpose of this implementation, we will be targeting our respondent in 2 different majors such as "Health Financing and Insurance" and "Health Management Information System."


Project Title:
Embedding OpenIMIS (Open Source Insurance Management Information System) to strengthen Health Insurance Learning Based on Digital on Digital Technologies in the MPH Curriculum at Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Research Team:
GF Van Empel (Team Leader)
HF As Shiddieq
GY Sanjaya
AR Rahmanti
A Fuad

The potential use of OpenIMIS:

  • To get hands-on experience than students learn in theory.

  • Transfer and sharing knowledge with the national health insurance manager, policymaker and academic to adopt and develop the technology.

How to adopt OpenIMIS

We will embed the practical use of OpenIMIS Tutorial in the learning process of Manage Care Course using our e-learning platform. The course will be delivered through 3 online lecture, 2 webinar series, and 3 tutorial videos complemented with exercise and assignment.  

Lecture Videos Topic

Tutorial Videos Topic

  • Introducing OpenIMIS in Indonesian


Tutorial Videos Topic



e-Learning Platform

Student can access our e-learning platform "Gadjah Mada Medical e-learning" in this link using their UGM email. All materials will be delivered using this platform. We will be using OpenIMIS demo version ( in every practical exercise.

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OpenIMIS tutorial in GaMeL Interface

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This tutorial was held from August to October 2019, involving 25 graduate students majoring in Public Health. The course was delivered through an online course and face to face tutorials and lectures. During the course, we asked the students to discuss their experience through online forums, uploaded several assignments by providing a scenario that asked them to explore through OpenIMIS demo and fill in the quiz through the online platform (GaMeL).


  • Modul Evaluation

          -  66,7% respondents agreed that the use of video, online references combined with face to face lectures enable them to understand the course easily.   

  • Tutor Evaluation

          -  66,7% respondents agree that the tutor succeeds to stimulating them to use OpenIMIS.
          -  Half of the respondents indicate a desire to use OpenIMIS in the future.

  • Self Evaluation
    83,3% students agreed that they contribute actively during the tutorial session.  
    66,7% students agreed that this course meets the learning target. 

Tutorial and Lecture Activities

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