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Last check

Update Events

  • Insert insert new events (sort closest to furthest)Move

  • check for updates on recurring events from last year

  • check for updates on missing links e.g. registration & proposal deadlines

  • move past events to the dedicated section of the table (sort latest to oldest)

2024-01-17 Uwe Wahser

Update Opportunities

New opportunities should be known, older ones should have a correct Status

  • if a GIZ tender is closed and results into a project, also verify that the link to the project page is listed

Verify & clear list of outdated content

Pages can be marked with the label outdated indicating that the content needs to be reviewed and might need to be updated or archived.

Clean up templates (admin only)

remove any third-party templates from all spaces except Sandbox: OP, KB, FR

Backup Confluence Spaces (admin only)

Feb. 03 2022 by

Marco Kalin




Last check

New Year ( Events )

create a page for last years events:

  1. copy the page Events as ‘Events 20[XX]’

    1. don’t include sub-pages

    2. remove any events other than 20XX from the list

  2. move any single event page from that year under this page in the topic hierarchy

  3. update the Events page

    1. delete any events from 20XX from the Events page

    2. update the reference list to past years at the bottom of the page

    3. remove any attachments (they were copied automatically into the new list

2024-01-17 Uwe Wahser

New Year ( Project Portfolio )

create a page for last years projects:

  1. copy the Project Portfolio page from the previous year as ‘Project Portfolio 20[XX]’

    1. don’t include sub-pages

    2. replace the roadmap graphic with the one from Project Portfolio (copy & paste)

    3. replace all the years with 20XX

  2. move all project pages that finished in 20XX under this page in the topic hierarchy

  3. update the roadmap graphic to the new year on the Project Portfolio page

  4. update the navigation bar (links to other years) at the bottom of each page

2024-01-17 Uwe Wahser