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openIMIS components: Web Application v1.3.0 and later. 

Implementation roles required: IMIS Administrator, Scheme Administrator


Implementation-related information can be configured in different ways. The user documentation explains bulk upload/download functionality of in general. In this page, we give examples of register files that can use by the functionality. 

The bulk upload/download functionality can be accessed through the menu Tools → Registers.

Upload diagnoses

Because the diagnoses list can be quite long, the configuration of the diagnoses in openIMIS Web Application can be done only by uploading the list encoded as an XML document. 

DTD definition of the XML file for uploading/downloading of diagnoses is:

Code Block
<!DOCTYPE Diagnoses [
	<!ELEMENT Diagnoses (Diagnosis*)>
	<!ELEMENT Diagnosis (DiagnosisCode, DiagnosisName)>
	<!ELEMENT DiagnosisCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT DiagnosisName (#CDATA)>

An example of an XML file that uses and conforms to this DTD follows.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<DiagnosisName>Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers</DiagnosisName>
		<DiagnosisName>Other salmonella infections</DiagnosisName>
		<DiagnosisName>Other bacterial intestinal infections</DiagnosisName>
		<DiagnosisName>Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified</DiagnosisName>

A ready to use ICD10 first-level diagnoses list can be downloaded here: ICD10.xml

To upload the diagnoses list please follow the instruction in the user manual

If there are errors in the diagnoses list or you want to add/remove diagnoses, the easier is to download the current list, do the modifications and upload the list again. 

Upload locations

The list of locations can be configured in different ways. The simplest and intuitive way is through the user interface. In this section, we explain how to configure the locations by uploading the list formatted as an XML document.

DTD definition of the XML file for uploading/downloading of locations is:

Code Block
<!DOCTYPE Locations [
	<!ELEMENT Locations (Regions, Districts, Municipalities, Villages)>
	<!ELEMENT Regions (Region*)>
	<!ELEMENT Region (RegionCode, RegionName)>
	<!ELEMENT RegionCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT RegionName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT Districts (District*)>
	<!ELEMENT District (RegionCode, DistrictCode, DistrictName)>
	<!ELEMENT RegionCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT DistrictCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT DistrictName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT Municipalities (Municipality*)>
	<!ELEMENT Municipality (DistrictCode, MunicipalityCode, MunicipalityName)>
	<!ELEMENT DistrictCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT MunicipalityCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT MunicipalityName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT Villages (Village*)>
	<!ELEMENT Village (MunicipalityCode, VillageCode, VillageName, MalePopulation?, FemalePopulation?, OtherPopulation, Families?)>
	<!ELEMENT MunicipalityCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT VillageCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT VillageName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT MalePopulation (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT FemalePopulation (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT OtherPopulation (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT Families (#CDATA)>

An example of an XML file that uses and conforms to this DTD follows.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

To upload the location list please follow the instruction in the user manual

If there are errors in the location list or you want to add/remove locations, the easier is to edit from the user interface by accessing Administration → Locations from the menu. 

Upload health facilities

As for the locations, the health facilities can be configured in different ways and the most intuitive and simple way is through the user interface. In this section, we explain how to configure the health facilities by uploading the list formatted as an XML document.

DTD definition of the XML file for uploading/downloading of health facilities is:

Code Block
<!DOCTYPE HealthFacilities [
	<!ELEMENT HealthFacilities (HealthFacilityDetails, CatchmentsDetails)>
	<!ELEMENT HealthFacilityDetails (HealthFacility*)>
	<!ELEMENT HealthFacility (LegalForm, Level, Sublevel, Code, Name, Address, DistrictCode, DistrictName, Phone, Fax, Email, CareType, AccountCode, ItemPriceListName, ServicePricelistName)>
	<!ELEMENT LegalForm (D|C|G|P)> 	<!-- District organization | Charity | Government | Private organization -->
	<!ELEMENT Level (D|C|H)> 			<!-- Dispensary | Health Centre | Hospital -->
	<!ELEMENT SubLevel (I|N|R)>		<!-- Integrated | No Sublevel | Reference -->
	<!ELEMENT Address (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT DistrictCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT DistrictName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT Phone (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT Email (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT CareType (I|O|B)>		<!-- In-Patient | Out-Patient | Both -->
	<!ELEMENT AccountCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT ItemPriceListName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT ServicePriceListName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT CatchmentsDetails (Catchment*)>
	<!ELEMENT Catchment (HFCode, VillageCode, VillageName, Percentage)>
	<!ELEMENT VillageCode (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT VillageName (#CDATA)>
	<!ELEMENT Percentage (#CDATA)>

An example of an XML file that uses and conforms to this DTD follows.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <SubLevel />
      <Name>Jambero District Hospital</Name>
      <Address>Lantern Road 21 P.O.Box 3425</Address>
      <Phone />
      <Fax />
      <Email />
      <ItemPriceListName>Ultha Govt. Hospital List</ItemPriceListName>
      <ServicePriceListName>Ultha Govt. Hospital List</ServicePriceListName>
      <SubLevel />
      <Name>Jamini Health Centre</Name>
      <Address>Reduci road 42</Address>
      <Phone />
      <Fax />
      <Email />
      <AccountCode />
      <ItemPriceListName>Ultha Govt. Health Centre List</ItemPriceListName>
      <ServicePriceListName>Ultha Govt. Health Centre List</ServicePriceListName>
      <SubLevel />
      <Name>Huda Dispensary</Name>
      <Address>Jolywel road 675</Address>
      <Phone />
      <Fax />
      <Email />
      <AccountCode />
      <ItemPriceListName>Ultha Govt. Dispensary List</ItemPriceListName>
      <ServicePriceListName>Ultha Govt. Dispensary List</ServicePriceListName>

To upload the health facilities list please follow the instruction in the user manual

If there are errors in the location list or you want to add/remove locations, the easier is to edit from the user interface by accessing Administration → Health Facilities from the menu.