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Example resource file for French-language  

The goal of this page is to give an example of the different organization name you can have in Chad to illustrate how it is important to adapt openIMIS to the country-specific names validated by the country because sometimes there is multiple truth

Also, it is often complex and can change over time:

openIMIS default nameTCHAD Official old nameTCHAD Official new nameTCHAD Health zonesNote
RegionsRégionProvinceDélégation Sanitaire Provinciale
DistrictPrefectureDépartementDistrict sanitairesMultiple "districts" or "délégation sanitaires" can be regrouped in a "Province"
MunicipalitySous-préfectureCommuneZone de résponsabilitéMultiple "Canton" can be regrouped in a "Commune"; chief of Canton is a traditional chief
VillageVillageVillageVillageChief of "Vilage" is a traditional chief, also called Férik. Multiple Villages can be covered by a single "Aire de santé"

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