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Objective: Weekly space for deep dive topics


Topic Proposals:

  • Testing scenarios

  • Authentication

  • Offline synchronization (E0)

Presentations / Attachments


View file
name2021-05-19.openIMIS.Testing scenario.pptx


Testing scenarios


  • Acceptance test are compose of New feature and regression test (existing feature), e.g. most of the April release is regression

  • The user manual is updated at each release not yet done for April as communicated (done after the release) details on the different documentation will help to understand what was meant.

  • The system/integration test should be launch at each Pull Request by travis-ci

  • in the QA platform, we can create a bug linked to the test case meaning we have the way to repeat

  • the system test ARE part of the code repo

  • security testing:


  • use JWT (JSON Web Token) tokens

  • BE is generating the token and sent to client

  • client uses the token with each call

  • Decision:

    • token default validity/duration?

    • information stored in the token (user UUID, username, authorities)?

    • SSO UI interface / modular REST API to be called by external applications to get the token?

    • graphql and REST APIs?

  • Example from REST API:

    • eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVc2VyVVVJRCI6IjNiODRlMzFhLTRmNzgtNGI0Zi1hMjNmLTA1ZGE5OGRjMDJkOSIsImV4cCI6MTYyMTkzMjYwOSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cDovL29wZW5pbWlzLm9yZyIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9vcGVuaW1pcy5vcmcifQ.3AYLYQQ71nZIjECnE3dtq24v0X_stoP7zrQfPyN1GbE

    • payload:

      "UserUUID": "3b84e31a-4f78-4b4f-a23f-05da98dc02d9",

      "exp": 1621932609,

      "iss": "",

      "aud": ""


Questions - Challenges - Issues

Next meeting (



  • DHIS2 Dashboards

  • Beyond Health

  • Accounting / Payment layer

  • 20.05.: Offline synchronization (E0)
