Tanzania - Mainland



Tanzania - Mainland

Scheme Operator

President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG)

Scheme type

Community Health Fund (Government run Voluntary Health Insurance programme)

Implemented since


Implementing Partner(s)

Supporting Partner(s)

Financial Assistance: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation


v1.5.1 (build 2021.4.12.1030)

Functionalities used

  • Beneficiary Management

  • Claims Management

  • Claims Review

  • Reports


26 regions

Number of beneficiaries



4,560,657 individuals registered in CHF-IMIS till date.

Number of users


Number of health facilities


Last update

July 2021

Scheme Features

Health scheme implemented since


Name of openIMIS focal point


Total number of health scheme employees

Structure: Currently 2 full time at national level + 26*3 positions per region (some full but mostly part time) + 183*3 positions per district (some full but mostly part time) + 1 EO per village (commission based - currently over 16,000)

Total number of employees using openIMIS

 Over 22,000 user accounts (each staff above and over 6000 health facility staff claim admin accounts)

Total number of employees not trained on openIMIS


Number of health insurance products managed by the health scheme and using openIMIS

 26 (1 per region)

Product Features

Number of households covered


Number of households covered



622,804 families registered in CHF-IMIS till date.

Average size of a household

4.9 is the national average and in iCHF family up to 6 members are enrolled for the set contribution amount

Household contribution amount

30,000 TZS per household (150,000 TZS in Dar es Salaam)

Individual contribution


Average amount paid for a claim


Last Update

July 2021

Specifications of the openIMIS used:


v1.5.1 (build 2021.4.12.1030)


v1.5.1 (build 2021.4.12.1030)

Has anything been modified (customization)

Many features continue to be added and provided in the Github repository for Tanzania

What standards are used to code services, items, diagnosis and products

ICD 9 originally and then shifted to ICD 10 since 2019.



Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?

Please contact our Service Desk

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