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Bahmni-OpenIMIS Integration System Installation guide
Overview of OpenIMIS integration system
OpenIMIS Integration system consists of the following modules:

  1. bahmni/bahmni-insurance-connect: an app/service for openIMIS integration (java)
  2. bahmni/bahmni-insurance-odoo : a insurance module for odoo (python)
  3. bahmni/openmrs-module-insurance-integration : a openmrs module for insurance (java)
  4. Openmrs-fhir-module : fhir resources for openmrs (java)
  5. bahmi ui apps custom changes : This is available only for NepalEHR-Custom-UI

Installation and configuration steps

  1. Installing and configuring Bahmni-insurance-connect service :
    1. Download insurance-integration rpm from {+}
    2. Install the rpm:
      1. rpm -ivh insurance-integration-0.0.1-1.noarch.rpm
    3. Update the configuration properties as required at location : etc/insurance-integration/
      1. Refer : {+}
    4. Status check : service insurance-integration status and restart as required
    5. Check logs : tail -f /var/log/insurance-integration/insurance-integration.log

  1. Installing openmrs-module-insurance-integration
    1. Get the Omod from {+}
    2. Install the omod form openmrs/admin {+}

  1. Installing openmrs-fhir-module
    1. Get the latest from openmrs-fhir-omod from {+}
    2. Install the omod from openmrs/admin {+}

  1. Installing bahmni-insurance-odoo module
    1. Get the latest codebase from {+}
      1. Go to location /opt/bahmni-insurance-addons/ where /opt/bahmni-insurance-addons is Location for custom-addons
      2. Git clone {+}
      3. Git checkout develop (for Dev and QA env)
      4. Git pull origin develop (for Dev and QA env)
      5. Git checkout master /git pull origin master (for Prod env)
    2. Point the above location in odoo-addons path
      1. Goto /etc/odoo.conf
      2. Add location of bahmni insurance module in addons-section as:

addons_path = opt/bahmni-erp/bahmni-addons,/opt/bahmni-erp/odoo/addons,/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages,/opt/bahmni-insurance-addons/

    1. Install insurance application from odoo apps
    2. Restart odoo : service odoo restart

  1. Installing openIMIS ssl certificate for accessing HTTPS
    1. Get the SSL certificate file from the openimis site : which is the site with which you are trying to integrate
    2. Go inside $JAVA_HOME/bin i.e goto the java installation directory within bin directory
    3. Import the downloaded certificate
      1. keytool -import -alias imiscert -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts -file /root/openimis.cer
    4. Password: changeit

  1. Http.d Changes in server
    1. Create insurance_integration_ssl.conf file inside /etc/httpd/conf.d/
    2. Content of insurance_integration_ssl.conf should be :

#for insurance-int
ProxyPass /insurance-integration http://localhost:8092/insurance-integration/
ProxyPassReverse /insurance-integration {+}http://localhost:8092/insurance-integration/+

    1. Service httpd restart
    2. Service insurance-integration restart

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