Test cases
The test cases are written using gherkin language and are stored on a github repository
Bluesquare added some details about the various validations performed during the submission: Claim Submission Test Details.
The test case takes the point of view of a final user and need to follow Gherkin structure :
Gherkin structure
Group of use case that have a common business goal, for example submit a claim
Feature: Enter a claim
Prerequisites to resolve before starting the tests, a feature can have only on background
Background: Given HF with claim administrator is defined Given the "Health facility claims page" is open Given the Health facility and claim administrator are selected Given the "Add" button was clicked
Actual behavior that will be tested, a feature can have multiple rules
Rule: error message if mandatory information are missing
on of the approach to validate the rules, several scenario can be required to validate a rule
Scenario: validation of the mandatory field Given that no fields were filled When the "save" button is clicked Then a message should appear to saying that the mandatory fields should be filled And the mandatory fields should be highlighted in RED (Insurance Number, Claim No, Date claimed, Visit Date From, Visit Type, Main Diag)
Gherkin key words
in addition to the structure name, Gherkin has other key words
Set a prerequisite for a specific scenario or background, if present must be the first keyword. to add multiple prerequisite the "And" key word must be used
Given "Visit Date From","Visit Date To" are set And the focus leaves the cell
Define what will trigger the test
When a date is entered in "Claimed Date"
Define the test result
Then the system must check that the "Claimed Date" before or equal to today And "Visit Date To" is before "Claimed Date" And "Claimed Date" is after or equal "Visit Date From"
helps to see when there is multiple conditions in a Given, When or Then
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Please contact our Service Desk
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