Test: Install openIMIS on Windows 10 / Windows 11 with Docker Desktop

Test: Install openIMIS on Windows 10 / Windows 11 with Docker Desktop

Tested versions:


  • Windows 10 or 11

  • Minimum of 15 GB free space on hard disk

  • Minimum of 8 GB RAM

  • Access to PowerShell and administrative rights

  • 3-4 GB Data plan volume


Install Git for Windows (if no other GIT implementation is already installed)

  1. Install Git for Windows

    winget install --id "Git.Git"
  2. Follow the instructions of the installer

Install Docker Desktop

  1. Install Docker Desktop

    winget install --id "Docker.DockerDesktop"
  2. Start Docker Desktop

  3. Follow the instruction when asked to download install WSL 2

  4. Restart Docker Desktop after installing the WSL 2 update - If an error occurs choose to “Quit” Docker Desktop and start it again

  5. Make sure that Docker Desktop is up and running

Build the openIMIS Docker Container

Download and build openIMIS Docker Container

  1. Create a working folder on your hard disk

  2. Clone the openIMIS Docker script in your working folder