Test: Install openIMIS on Windows 10 / Windows 11 with Docker Desktop
Tested versions:
Windows 10 or 11
Minimum of 15 GB free space on hard disk
Minimum of 8 GB RAM
Access to PowerShell and administrative rights
3-4 GB Data plan volume
Install Git for Windows (if no other GIT implementation is already installed)
Install Git for Windows
winget install --id "Git.Git"
Follow the instructions of the installer
Install Docker Desktop
Install Docker Desktop
winget install --id "Docker.DockerDesktop"
Start Docker Desktop
Follow the instruction when asked to download install WSL 2
Restart Docker Desktop after installing the WSL 2 update - If an error occurs choose to “Quit” Docker Desktop and start it again
Make sure that Docker Desktop is up and running
Build the openIMIS Docker Container
Download and build openIMIS Docker Container
Create a working folder on your hard disk
Clone the openIMIS Docker script in your working folder
git clone https://github.com/openimis/openimis-dist_dkr
Change in the created folder
Create a copy of “.env.example” and name it “.env”
Make necessary configuration changes in “.env” or leave defaults for a demo instance of openIMIS
Build Docker images (this will download some necessary components, the process will take approximately 20-30 minutes or more depending on your configuration, hardware and network connectivity)
As the process depends on a multitude of external sources temporary problems might occur, in that case simply restart the build process at a later time until it is able to finish re
Build and start the container (this will download further necessary components)
Wait for the process to finish setting up the (demo) instances
Start openIMIS
Now you can access your local instance of openIMIS under https://localhost/front
Login with the default user & passwort: Admin // admin123
Don’t forget to change it (Profile\Change Password)
Did you encounter a problem or do you have a suggestion?
Please contact our Service Desk
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