openIMIS BE Core module release notes
1.4.1 (April 2022)
What's Changed
OMT-206 add custom compilemessages command by @edarchis in #14
OFS-25: Added new model HistoryModel by @sniedzielski in #21
Feature/ofs 66 by @sniedzielski in #22
OFS-89: changes related to "PolicyHolder" module - new custom filter by @sniedzielski in #24
OFS-88: migrating base mutations and delete/replace input types to the Core"module" by @sniedzielski in #25
OFS-99: enabling to filter deleted or non-deleted records by @sniedzielski in #26
OFS-99: django-dirty-fields bug - applied additional param in 'is_dirty' by @sniedzielski in #27
OFS-119: fixing bug related to mutation log in 'delete' mutation by @sniedzielski in #28
OFS-118: fixing replace mutations and replace in model by @sniedzielski in #29
OAI-23: Added new lookup filter for json fields by @dborowiecki in #30
OFS-152: fixing date comparing issue detected on replace mutation by @sniedzielski in #31
OFS-159: filter validity for new business models by @sniedzielski in #33
OAI-29: Added websocket client features by @dborowiecki in #32
OFS:159: fix - filtering dates valid from/to (start, end date) by @sniedzielski in #34
OFS-159: changes in filters with date_end by @sniedzielski in #35
OFS-178: replace issues in HistoryModel/BusinessModel and datetime issue in that models by @sniedzielski in #36
OFS-178: ObjectDoesNotExist exception - use filter instead of get by @sniedzielski in #37
OAI-29: Improved connection check method by @dborowiecki in #38
OFS-136: adding overridden Signal class so as to add priority by @sniedzielski in #39
OFS-207: absCalculationRule class - implementation by @sniedzielski in #40
OFS-219: changes related to the calculation module by @sniedzielski in #41
OFS-228: graphQl for roles by @sniedzielski in #42
OFS-229: createRole and updateRole mutations by @sniedzielski in #43
OFS:229: Delete and Duplicate graphQl mutations by @sniedzielski in #44
OFS-253: replace validity in role graphQl into show_historical by @sniedzielski in #45
OFS-254: adding new validity flag for business entities FS by @sniedzielski in #46
OFS:254: changes in is_system filtering by @sniedzielski in #47
OFS-254: adding information about ABSCalculationRule by @sniedzielski in #48
OFS-254: hotfix: problem with some chars in by @sniedzielski in #49
OFS-250: Changes regarding Roles GQL by @dborowiecki in #50
OFS-250: RoleMutation log added for RoleCreateMutation by @dborowiecki in #51
OFS-258: fixes regarding flag is_system by @sniedzielski in #52
OFS-258: solving problem with filtering show_historical by @sniedzielski in #53
OFS-258: remove filter_queryset by @sniedzielski in #54
OAI-49: Added decorator for using filters in muatations by @dborowiecki in #55
OFS-285: changes regarding bulk action for FS entities by @sniedzielski in #57
OFS-290: fixed bug with performing uuids bulk actions by @sniedzielski in #58
OTC-289: Added GQL Query for languages by @dborowiecki in #59
OFS-292: fixing bulk actions with amount/date valid filters by @sniedzielski in #62
OE0-4: fixed getModulePermissions in core module by @sniedzielski in #61
OE0-4: added missing perms for ClaimAdmin and EOfficer by @sniedzielski in #63
OE0-4: change the way of checking config for permissions by @sniedzielski in #64
OE0-2: remove enforce_csrf validation after detecting issue on test server. by @sniedzielski in #66
Add a password (&private key) to test user by @edarchis in #67
Json configuration loaded as OrderedDict by @dborowiecki in #69
OE0-64: Fixed HistoryModel uuid property by @malinowskikam in #70
Save more fields of User, Officer & IUser when using Django by @qgerome in #68
OE0-29: added migration for put missing role for ClaimAdministrator by @sniedzielski in #72
OPL-13: Added decorators and functions for service signals by @dborowiecki in #77
OPL-6: Fixed Base Delete Mutation by @dborowiecki in #79
OPL-26: changes in abstract calculation class due to new calculation rule by @sniedzielski in #85
fix(Performance): Use legacy_id instead of validity_to to filter hist… by @qgerome in #84
feat(Sentry): Better logging of errors in mutations by @qgerome in #86
OPL-31: small changes regarding new converter in rule - contract to invoice by @sniedzielski in #88
OE0-79: hotfix - issue on 'login' FHIR endpoint in 'api' by @sniedzielski in #92
OE0-79: fixed solution with supporting 'basic auth' by @sniedzielski in #93
hotfix(Users): Wrong permissions checked when creating/updating users by @qgerome in #94
Implement JWT authentication & auth mutations by @qgerome in #98
OPL-52: changes in 'run_calculation' to make bill calculation rules working by @sniedzielski in #99
Add a test helper for technical (super)user by @edarchis in #100
Fix Technical User creation infinite recursion by @edarchis in #102
switched to get_or_create but it returns a tuple by @edarchis in #104
calc rule calculate() should not name first arg by @edarchis in #105
OPL-54: Move BaseService and BaseModelValidation to core module by @malinowskikam in #108
OPL-57: Fix compability of HistoryModel with django rest framework by @malinowskikam in #110
OPL-44: Create model and CRUD Services for Subscription by @malinowskikam in #109
Security: Remove ObjectPermissions since it's overriden in FHIR modul… by @qgerome in #112
OPL-92: Added JsonContainsKey custom lookup by @malinowskikam in #115
OP-762: moved Null 'validity_to' assigment to the 'core' by @sniedzielski in #116
OP-765: fixed RoleRights - 'pagination' and 'validity_to' issues by @sniedzielski in #117
1.0.15 (April 2020)
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