FAQ - How can openIMIS link to and help in transition from an existing system of a scheme operator?
It is a reality that all scheme operators have some form of system to manage their operations and information generated within that. This can be either paper forms or digitized files like Excel files or more advanced IT solutions. Depending on how openIMIS is chosen to be used (stand alone system or partial use with existing solutions) in such situations there might be a need to either link openIMIS to existing technological solutions (need for interoperability) or a process and tools to allow transition (data migration) from older system to openIMIS. The latter can at times also mean shifting from paper records to openIMIS.
In situations where paper records are entered in openIMIS leading to a digitization of records for the first time, the data entry process can be cumbersome and requires time and resources. This should therefore already be accounted for during the planning stage. The scheme operator should see this investment of resources and time keeping in mind that some tasks are one time tasks which makes life in future simpler. For example the entry of families data that were enrolled in the past simplify the process and reduce the effort in future during renewals where this data does not have to be captured again if there are no changes and can simplifying even the older paper based renewal process. The investment is hence worth it and should be seen in this light.
In situations where simpler solutions like Excel files were used in the past there are some possibilities to update some bulk data in the system through files organized in specific format. See more information on such bulk uploads here: WA6.1 Bulk uploads from Web Application user interface
In situation where openIMIS needs to function along side an existing system, the first step is to establish a clear division of roles between the two solutions and thereafter accordingly the actual linking of the two softwares. On the openIMIS side a mapping has been undertaken of data captured in openIMIS to the FHIR standards to allow intergration with softwares through a standardized internationally accepted interoperability standard. Please find further information here: openIMIS FHIR R4 Overview Page
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