Localization (i18n) aims at providing to users an interface (UI) that match their culture.

This covers the language (used vocabulary) as well as displayed value formats (date formats, number formats,...).

The displayed locale (i.e. translations and value formats) is defined by user's registered language in the database (i.e. not the browser's settings).

One openIMIS instance can support users in distinct languages.

The frontend app has no limitation on the number of supported languages.

Howerver the 'codified data' in the backend (like famility types,...) currently only support a primary and secondary language.

Values formats

Values formats are handled in openIMIS frontend via react-intl. That library implements the FormatJS standard for react and is based on the notion of 'locale'.

The locales are packaged with openIMIS frontend at build time. Used languages are mapped to locales (example:the language "fr_BE" can be mapped on the genric "fr" locale).

See openimis-fe_js README file for more details.


See openimis-fe_js README file for more details.