A separate GitHub repository is created to manage each openIMIS component, e.g:

The naming of repository is based on the template: "component name"_"programming language / technology".

We use the Gitflow Workflow, which was first published in 2010  in a blog post from Vincent Driessen at nvie

Using the Git branching features, each of these repositories will have a master branch (the latest stable version or production release) and a separate branch for each development phase.

All developments are be done in the develop branch.

Each new feature are developed in its own branch and then integrated into the develop branch.

When enough features are available, a release branch is created from the develop branch. Only bug fixes can be added from this point to the release  branch, which will also be merged into the develop branch. 

As soon as a release is ready, it will be merged into the master and will be tagged with a release number.

In case a bug has to be fixed quickly, a hotfix branch is created. This branch is merged directly into the master branch and into the develop branch. The master branch will then be tagged with an updated version number. 

To easily manage git workflow, here are some tools: