This guide describes the steps to follow in order to install an instance of openIMIS.

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Implementation starter kit

Server installation

1. Prerequisites

2. Install SQLite

SQLite is needed to create .db3 databases that are compatible with the IMIS phones

3. Install IIS



4. Open ports on firewall

In the Windows Server's firewall, open the following ports:

Open the ports in the Virtual Machine manager (if any)

5. Install SQL Server

Prerequisites: .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (installed via IIS)

On the Features selection:

Instance configuration:

Database engine configuration:

6. Configure SQL Server

Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager

7. Initialise SQL Server database

In SQL Server Management Studio:

8. Windows Server users

It is recommended to create a dedicated user on Windows Server just to be used by Phone application. This user name and password must be entered in the tblIMISDefault table of the database (see section below).

Create these users via the Computer Management menu.

9. Set FTP credentials

Once the dedicated FTP user is created, add it to the table tblIMISDefault in the database:

On the unique row showing, edit the columns:

10. Install IMIS

Copy the IMIS folder (in the web application source folder) containing the source files and paste it in C:\inetpub\wwwroot Similarly, copy the Web Services folder (from the Web Service source folder) and paste it in C:\inetpub\wwwroot

11. Configure IIS

Add a site

Application pools

Installing Web Service to the application

In IIS, right click on the IMIS site → Add application. Fill in the form as follows:

Setup FTP

FTP user

User permissions

FTP passive ports

FTP service


Depending on the server's initial configuration, the date format may differ from the expected DD/mm/YYYY by IMIS To force the date format, go to the IMIS site, then select .NET Globalisation Under Culture, select English (United Kingdom) (en-GB) as a culture

12. Edit the web.config

IMIS application

Web service

13. Assign permission to source folders

In the source files (usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IMIS), IIS_IUSRS need to be given full control of the following folders:

14. Edit permissions to event logs

15. Install Windows Services

Fron the Windows Services sources, proceed as follow for each service:

Repeat the above steps for all chosen services.

Note: An error message may appear after the services started, saying that the service failed. In this case, restart it as a Local System service:

16. Open the application

Open your Internet browser and type the following URL in the browser address bar http://localhost/

Mobile apps configuration

Mobile apps need to be re-compiled with the correct server's IP address for it to be functional.

To do so: