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The following table is listing different functionalities and under which implementations have been / will be developed and used. The objective of this table is to identify requested functionalities that might have already been developed and can be reused or will be developed under a specific implementation / project, before starting to redevelop them.

  • If you have developed a new functionality, add a new line to the list and describe under which implementation/project the functionality was developed and where is/will it be used. Link with the idea page that it might solve. Jira ticket.s are useful to find the specific code that cover the functionality.

  • If you have used or foresee to use an existing functionality, add the implementation/project in “Used in” column on the used functionality line.



Developed by

Used in

Jira ticket.s / Wiki

Insuree number generator

During enrolment, the insuree number is automatically generated based on a set of rules and set to each insuree.

Mauritania implementation

Mauritania implementation

Insuree attachments

Attachments can be added to insurees for additional validation and treatment before enrolment.

Mauritania implementation

Mauritania implementation

Insuree multiple name management

Insuree can have 2 lastname / firstname (depending on alphabet used, in this implementation we needed to manage arabic and latin name)

Mauritania implementation

Mauritania implementation

Multi-Program Management

Management of multiple “program” in the same instance. Manage multiple scheme in the same openIMIS with different rules. Each claims are linked to a specific scheme and can be see only for user with this scheme configured.
Each Health Facilities provide care in one or multiple scheme.

Cameroon UHC implementation

Cameroon UHC implementation

Complex Services

Management of subservice and subitems in a service. Implement Service bundle with different calculation rules.

Service and Items Module (Medication)

Service and Items Module (Medication)