The following list presents the features that are present in the legacy openIMIS implementation for HIB that need to be migrated.



Jira Issue




Notices in local languages on Homepage

Nepali calendars across the app

  • as agreed during call - double calendars will be implemented across the app, so every form will have both Nepali and Gregorian date displayed

Testing - calendar picker are implemented

To Do - add those calendars to fields showing already saved data

Some features require popups if some data is incorrect

Need more clarification - budget constraints


Confirmation type missing - Confirmation No. required conditionally

Choose ethnicity

Some additional required fields

Need more clarification Purushottam Sapkota


  • epic by Patrick, to be reviewed if complete

  • Display additional information (to be specified)

  • Profile page (not sure if not partially implemented in other page - to be confirmed by Nepal team)

  • Profile page is showing claims, active policies, family members, photo, basic info

  • Link from enquire to this profile page

    • Date from - default date 4 months before current date


Default date from - week before current date

Claim details column

Claim attachments column

New claim - information about last visit - partially

In testing

Referal to another HF - almost done

In testing

Out-patient or in-patient dropdown in claim - partially

Need more clarification

Mandatory upload of document - connected to other gov system (can be saved without it, but cannot be reviewed and accepted without that)

Indication of upload document from previous point in the list (the same point as claim attachments column)

New service/item - show popup that quantity is limited (for example service OPD2 allows max quantity of 1) - partially

In testing

Limit of duration of the visit time to 7 days for some services/items (only 7 days or custom time allowed?)

Mandatory explanation for any services in quantity >1

In testing

Claim review:

Additional fields in the search form (gender/visit type etc/ attachment present)

Sampling of claims - partially

View document

Show previous claim (show None if first claim)