Community Group (Documentation):

For Breakout Session (Non-technical):

  1. Presentation of Survey Results/ For Validation of the Participants (What did we miss? What areas do you think we need to specify?)

  1. Expectations of Activities Communities of Practice 

  1. Topics of Interest in the Communities of Practice

  1. Channels for Support

  1. Preferred Communication Channel

  1. Preferred Frequency of Meetings

  1. Other Feedback

II. Action planning based on challenges


How can we, as members of the openIMIS communities of practice, support each other to address the gaps/challenges identified?

  • Governance

    • Internal processes (approval takes longer, etc)

    • Getting buy-in

What do I miss if I don’t join the community? (In terms of messaging)

Before and after implementation (need to illustrate

Show how data translate from hospitals to national)

Pilot models; ensuring successful pilots

Precise topics, selecting the right topics in fora

Different format for meetings

Feasibility studies (articulating what change can openIMIS bring/ what value does the change management bring?)

Costed business case/template that will demonstrate openIMIS functionalities; futuristic

  • Human Resources

    • Access/Need for global expertise

Local content(what openIMIS can do to improve the capacity of local people)

Flexible, scalable, opportunity to do capacity-building

Publish companies that are able to support the product and up to what degree

Clarity on compensation for assistance (demand for openIMIS is growing)

  • Saurav: opportunities are available on the wiki page

On the topic of volunteerism in the community to share knowledge with each other

  • Shoutout to Bluesquare and SwissTPH

Learning from each other to avoid duplication of work and starting from scratch 

  • Communications

  • Miscommunication (over developers’ email)

  • Training materials outdated (visual outdated, not enough examples, not clear for basic user)

Highlighting success stories

Strong communications materials for decision-makers (see governance component in the beginning of the table*)

Communication materials to show the conditions required to implement openIMIS (which is highly tied to political decision-makers)

Taking advantage of communications channel (chat groups); ex: whatsapp widely used in Africa

Networked communities (social network): Acces to developers across the world 

Positive impacts of using openIMIS that can attract the interest of people (comparative study)

Feedback on wiki: very technical (need popular medium like newsletters)

  • need to share the existing newsletter 

  • note: need to sign up for the newsletter

  • Suggestion: release call for topics for the newsletter (which is based on the demand on topics from this session)

  • Technical

    • Siloed systems

    • Bugs in the last release, slowness of system once deployed

    • Need more support in customization 

    • Complex interface from end user perspective

    • Interoperability with existing systems (ex: billing, etc)

      • API management

      • Real-time balance deduction

      • Multiple pharmacies/ labs integration via FHIR 

      • Each item/service wise reject/accept report to the hospital via FHIR 

      • Separate hospital portal rather than limited access control 

      • Separate patient portal 

      • Non-medical (direct cash benefit) via IMIS 

    • Configurations in calculations

      • Ceiling calculator for each product

      • Multiple policy ids id

    • Reports generation

      • Data analysis and effective dashboard 

      • notification system 

    • Infrastructure 

      • capacity planning and backup 

    • Consolidating user requirements from different facilities

    • Fraudulent claims

    • Duplication of claims

    • Clarity on openIMIS architecture (what it can do and not)

    • Need to be more agile 

    • Need for increased technical implementation capacity

  • Funding

    • Cost of investment/implementation/customization

  • Capacity-building

    • Onboarding on how to become an openIMIS implementing partner (needs more guidance)

    • Not a challenge but a question: How would the branding look like once the merged systems (openimis and core-mis) is launched? Will there be a rebranding? How can this impact the CoPs/hubs?

-Welcome packet for new members of the community (implementers and developers)

-re merger: expectation that the community will be increased/expanded; on branding, not decided yet

-Cameroonian health informatics association that could be linked with KEHIA and HELINA (to explore)