Whenever an issue can be resolved by the user or the L1 support, the steps to resolve it should be covered by a knowledge article so all the users / L1 support can use the resolution steps and save time


  1. Go on the Knowledge base space if not already there
  2. Click on theĀ  plus , and choose how to article
  3. Enter the title of the knowledge article and the labels (
    1. label ARE REALLY IMPORTANT because they will be used by the Jira search engine
  4. Describe all the steps required to solve the issue, don't hesitate to add picture to guide the future readers

Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel's color or style, select one of the options in the menu below.

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The content by label feature displays related articles automatically, based on labels you choose. To edit options for this feature, select the placeholder below and tap the pencil icon.

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