
This page is a proposal to the community, not an approved directive

When an error is encountered in openIMIS, the user must have precise information on the error so the support team will know where to start there troubleshooting, this information can also be used in a FAQ

here are the information that this error message should contain:


Possible naming convention for the error codes:

Vendor(2 hexa)MODULE(2 hexa)unique_context(4 hexa)-ErrType (3 digits)

Vendor: Creator of the module (Exact in our case)
Module: openIMIS functional Module (proposal for the current module below)
Context: Action that failed
ErrType: Error type like the Http ones (


Here the example with the message M_PASSWORDERROR

Vendor: 01 (Exact)
Module: 01 (core)
Context: 0201 (webapp access)
ErrType: 401 - authentication is required and has failed

The module list is still to be define, to have the latest status please refer to openIMIS Modules