Short Script

A shorter version of the demo script is provided here for demonstrations that are done within limited time (say 30 minutes). An offline version of this shortened demo (slides with screenshots) is provided at the end of this script.

1.Provide an overview of the data flow

Points to cover:

2. Describe how a scheme is constructed (configuration of registers)

Points to cover:

Describe briefly the registers under the Administration tab. Do not go into details but focus on how each register builds and links to each other to construct the scheme. Ideally emphasize only on Products, Health facilities and Price lists and show an existing example.

3. Describe how operations are handled structured by key processes

3.a. Enrolment Process

Points to cover:

Using web application

3.b. Health service utilization

Points to cover:

Using web application

3.c. Claims process

Points to cover:

Using web application

3.d. Renewal & Feedback Process

Points to cover:

Using mobile application

4. Describe reporting possibilities

Points to cover:

Offline Demonstration

In case you are unable to demonstrate using the demo server due to non availability or poor connectivity to the internet. A slide deck is provided here on lines of the given demo script to demonstrate the system using slides containing screen shots.