The primary function of the openIMIS Stakeholder Committee is to provide advice to support the overall outcomes of the openIMIS Initiative. The Stakeholder Committee is expected to provide guidance on the initiative in growing the community of practice, building a robust yet flexible product and increasing implementations of the tool for managing various types of social protection schemes.

The Stakeholder Committee works in conjunction with the Product Committee and Technical Advisory Group, which have separate activities and functions within the openIMIS Initiative. The components of the openIMIS Initiative are defined and further described in openIMIS Initiative's Governance Structure

Members of the Stakeholder Committee ensure that the Initiative’s overall vision reflects in its activities, and the direction of the initiative remains efficient and effective. In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions:

Stakeholder Committee Composition

The Stakeholder Committee is to be composed of representatives from

Stakeholder Committee members may nominate an alternate to represent their organisation. The respective nominees are entitled to discuss and advise on direction and activities of the Initiative.  The names of the respective nominees are to be presented in writing (email) to the openIMIS Coordination Desk before the commencement of any meeting of the Stakeholder Committee.

A Stakeholder Committee member’s term is to be two (2) years.

The Stakeholder Committee can pro-actively invite new members to the Stakeholder Committee if so decided by the majority. The openIMIS Coordination Desk will support the Stakeholder Committee members in the process of inviting new members.

An organisation can be represented only once – either through the Developers or the Implementers Committee

Stakeholder Committee Meetings & Conference

The Stakeholder Committee will meet at least twice a year (virtually or face to face).

openIMIS Stakeholder Committee Meetings consist of a public meeting (Stakeholder Conference - outreach and advocacy) with guests and a closed reflection meeting. Notes from the Stakeholder Conference are publicly available on the openIMIS Wiki. Notes from the reflection meetings are initially shared with the Stakeholder Committee members and the Steering Group and made publicly available on the openIMIS Wiki only after approval by both.

Eligibility and process to join the Stakeholder Committee

Following the composition of the Stakeholder Committee defined in the Terms of Reference the eligibility criteria apply for institutions to join the Stakeholder Committee:

Eligibility Criteria


Step 1

To join the Stakeholder Committee, an institution expresses their interest in a written form (email) to the openIMIS Coordination Desk. A short explanation on the motivation to join the Stakeholder Committee and to support the openIMIS initiative should be Included.

The Coordination Desk will inform all other members of the Stakeholder Committee on the institution that expressed interest in joining and share the explanation on the motivation. In a (email) circulation process all Stakeholder Committee members and the Coordination Desk vote on an official invitation to the interested institution to join the openIMIS Stakeholder Committee, with a simple majority of votes accounting for a (pre-) approval.

Step 2

The Coordination Desk will then share the ToR for the Stakeholder Committee, the principles of the openIMIS Initiative and overview on the governance structure.

The interested institution will need to agree to those in written form.


The openIMIS Initiative’s Coordination Desk is to act as the secretariat of the openIMIS Stakeholder Committee. The secretariat will be responsible for organising the meetings of the Stakeholder Committee, to facilitate the setting of the agenda, and to disseminate information to all Stakeholder Committee members.
