
The pricing for the same benefit plan may differ from a sector to another; the «Contribution plan» are to define different cost/pricing rules and the payment periodicity (in a month) for a given Benefit plan.
A benefit package (product in IMIS) can have multiple Contribution plans attached meaning different insurees may have different contributions level (or/and different calculation) but contribute to the same pool. The Contribution plans will have parameters such as maximum payment delay, grace periods.

A given policyholder (e.g company) may have to subscribe to multiple benefit plans for each his insuree(e.g employee ) (basic health insurance, advanced health insurance, accident*, retirement*);

The "Contribution plans bundle" groups "Contribution plans" to ease the assignation of multiple Contribution plans to a policyholder insuree (e.g. employee). The Contribution plans part of the same bundle must have the same periodicity.

The Contribution plans and Contribution plans bundle might also be usable by the direct insurance/informal sector, but some code change is likely and not covered by this solution

Use cases

Contribution plan bundle:

Managing a contribution plan bundle should be possible for the SchemeAdmin

Web application


Contribution plan

Managing a contribution plan bundle should be possible for the SchemeAdmin

Web application


Back end module Details design


To manage the group insurance several authorities will be added,the prefix of this module will be 151




Cade is mandatory

ContributionPlanBundleDetails - under ContributionPlanBundle (HistoryBusinessModel)

All fields are mandatory


Grace Period,Rate,Threshold will be stored on the json_ext part of HistoryModel

All fields are mandatory

Services and Mutations

Front end detailed design

The list of contribution plan & bundle should use the same layout as other existing list in openIMIS (claims, insuree ...).


 contribution plan & bundle  menu item should be located under the main menu "administration".

ContributionPlan search page

ContributionPlan search criteria

ContributionPlan search result column

MaterialUI :plus: to add a ContributionPlan

Double click or click on Edit button to update a ContributionPlan.

It should be possible to sort the result per column in ASC or DESC order

ContributionPlan card

The material (Save) UI button will save the changes

add Contribution plan

Code, Name, Calculation, Insurance product, periodicity, DateValidFrom are mandatory

Edit contribution plan

Name, DatevalidTo can be edtited

(Nice to have) Replace contribution plan

Code and periodicity are not editable

ContributionPlanBundle search page

search criteria

search result column

MaterialUI :plus: to add a ContributionPlanBundle

Double click or click on Edit button to update a ContributionPlanBundle .

It should be possible to sort the result per column in ASC or DESC order

Add a contribution plan bundle

When clicked on add the ContributionPlanBundle card open

Edit a contribution plan bundle

When click on edit,  the ContributionPlanBundle card open, all fields but CODE and periodicity can be edited (ValidityFrom,ValidityTo, Name)

Replace a contribution plan bundle

When click on replace, the ContributionPlanBundle card open, all fields but CODE can be edited (ValidityFrom,ValidityTo, Name, periodicity )

The new version won't have any contribution plan attached

ContributionPlanBundle card

Contribution plan part of the contribution plan bundle

column for the list of ContributionPlanBundleContributionPlan (no search)

a add button should be placed on the top right of the list,

Add a ContributionPlanBundleContributionPlan

When clicked on add the create popup will be displayed,   Mandatory fields have *, Not editable have #

Edit a ContributionPlanBundleContributionPlan

When clicked on edit the update popup will be displayed,   Mandatory fields have *, Not editable have #

Replace a ContributionPlanBundleContributionPlan

When clicked on replace the replace popup will be displayed,  Mandatory fields have *, Not editable have #

The material (Save) UI button will save the changes